OUTLOOK Minister Lajčák has resigned


"We will publish the details of this step after his meeting with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Petr Pellegrinim, and the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kisk, the speaker added. The Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD), does not want to comment yet. "The Prime Minister will speak after receiving this resignation motion", informs PM Patricia Macek.

The dispute over the migration pact was launched last week by Robert Fico, who rejected it in a video on Facebook. The same idea had already been expressed by the SNS. Lajčák then announced that if the Slovak National Council did not recommend going to the Moroccan Conference on Migration in Marrakech in December, the head of the Slovak diplomacy would resign. He confirmed this during the broadcast of Radio Expres, in which he also called on political parties to curb the passion that accompanies the subject of migration.

For the United Nations Global Compact on Migration, Lajčák came into conflict with the opposition, the CIS coalition, but also with representatives of Smer-SD. The key point for him will be the position of Parliament in which the IEC wants to push the Slovak representative to go to the conference on migration in Marrakech in December. Lajčák considers that it is a mistake. "If we have questions and problems, we have to treat them for a negotiating table, here is the case where they send me references so that, on the contrary, we can sit behind the furnace, so that There is no way to solve the problem if we lock ourselves in from the inside the problem does not exist, " said Lajčák.

Fico did not answer the question this week if he had the ambition to become a Lajcak starter. It is assumed that he should be replaced by the former prime minister. In addition to Fico, Lubomir Blah, who heads the foreign affairs committee, is also mentioned.

"We are patriotic, we guarantee that no one will go to Marrakech if it means the support of a global pact and I am convinced that there is no Slovak diplomat there," he said. Is the cleanest solution " declared during a debate in Blaha's Parliament.

Prime Minister should not accept ministerial resignation

If Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (Smeru-SD) really resigns, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) should not accept it. Wish to be vice president of Smeru-SD and exminister from inside Robert Kaliňák.

"I should personally think that the parliamentary resolution on the United Nations Global Compact for Migration did not meet the criteria for revoking it." The situation was useless. " According to Kaliňák, Lajčák has a place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and should remain so.

Kaliňák denies that Smer-SD was expelled from his post by his disapproving attitude to the Lajčák Global Compact. "We have the same attitude towards migration since 2015, nothing more calculable in Smere-SD than that, it was predictable", connections. He did not want to speculate on a possible successor. "I do not know if I ever have to answer hypothetical questions" Kaliňák added.

The link between the Lajcak and the UN Global Compact was strong

SNS First Vice-President Jaroslav Paška (SNS) respects the decision of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák (Smeru-SD candidate) to resign. According to him, Lajcak must thank for his work.

"I respect the fact that his commitment to the United Nations Global Compact on Migration is so strong that the decision of the National Council of the Slovak Republic raises the question of his work on this document, but I realize that the only thing I can do is to say that it is the only way to do it. political environment must be perceived as it is legislation contrary to the interests of citizens ", said Paska.

In his words, there is no confidence in the people in this document of the UN, in its security and in the guarantee of a peaceful future. "The political scene then has no right to accept it" connections. Paška admits that Lajcakov's departure is a good thing for Slovakia. "I believe that even he renounces the post of minister, this does not mean that he will not remain active in the field of diplomacy, whether it is European or Slovak," he added.

His departure would be a great loss

The departure of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (name Smeru-SD) would be a great loss when the political consensus on foreign policy fell. The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of RS, Katarína Cséfalvayová (Most-Híd), said. He thinks Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) will not accept Lajcak's resignation. The head of the Slovak diplomacy considers that it is a policy with a clear and unambiguous Euro-Atlantic anchorage.

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