Overnight, Legend – Miro Revives Pink Floyd


Creating Renewal has not been planned, but it's been more than a decade since Miro Mercian revives the legendary Pink Floyd

How did you come to music? Was it just through Pink Floyd?

My musical history is very long. About four years ago, I had listened to my Modus, Olympic, Drupi or Beatles with my parents. At times when everyone was asking me for "metal or deps", I became one of the rock fans (and I'm still) Depeche Mode. But my musical horizons gradually widened and I almost listened to everything, from Queen to Sting, from Radiohead to Metallica during my studies at the university. Paradoxically, at what holds me until today – at art and progressive rock – I've worked among the last ones. Pink Floyd, Genesis, ELP and Yes I'm in a shelf right next to Depeche Mode

How my musician became a listener and a "passive" fan

My first band was with my friends in 1990 when I was I was sixteen years old. We made our own songs, tried in clubs and concerts. After a few years, the group formed, where I played several years with my brother. We had a lot of success in the Prešov region (since there was always a crowd of musicians) and the band still works today. While I left it later, we are still friends, and when there is an opportunity, I like to play with them

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used reflectors

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When did you say you were going to make a rebirth group?

We had not planned to do a revival, we we decided to prepare the project Pink Floyd: Dark Side Unplugged: Since Floydi never played the unplugged, it was a challenge and when I had the idea of ​​my brother he I said that it could not be done, but a month ago we had a demo version of some songs and we finished it in September 2007. It was interesting, it was very good. was a success, so we decided to continue Pink Floyd Revival has been around the world today it's such a small orchestra.

He remembers that Renaissance music is on the move. We know what you are doing right now?

At Siemens Healthineers, I worked for twelve years as a software developer for medical devices and software architects. Specifically, the software for CT devices. We are part of the international team and in Kosice we have more than 25 projects on this project.I have a lot of tours, except for Germany, I have been able to visit there. India and the United States. My work is for me as well as missionary. When I know that we help doctors diagnose serious illnesses and that they can help patients, I am proud that it is thanks to us.

At the time of this video, Miro AFK was performing during his concert

You also appear in the recruitment video of Siemens Healthineers where you work. Was it a new experience for you, or were you already used to the spotlight?

It was definitely a new experience for me. And I'm grateful to him. I hope we will also be able to promote our work and attract other people interested in developing software for medical technology in our ranks, not only in Košice. It's a very interesting area and it's not just computer science.

Back to the group. If you had someone who did not know Pink Floyd and never met him, recommend one song of this legend that would be and why?

This is a very interesting question. I would certainly find some of these songs, but if it's only one, then Shine On You Crazy Diamond's album Wish You Were Here. It is really wonderful and it has a very strong history linking June 5, 1975.

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Miro is now a star not only on stage, but also in a campaign for Siemens Healthineers

"data-medium-file =" https://techbox.dennikn.sk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Siemens_Miro_490px_sirka-310×435.jpg "data-large-file =" https://techbox.dennikn.sk /wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Siemens_Miro_490px_sirka.jpg "src =" https://techbox.dennikn.sk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ "Siemens_Miro_490px_sirka.jpg" alt = "" width = " 490 "height =" 687 "srcset =" https://techbox.dennikn.sk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Siemens_Miro_490px_sirka.jpg 490w, https://www.techbox.dennikn.sk /wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Siemens_Miro_490px_sirka-103×144.jpg Miro is now a star not only on stage, but also in a campaign for Siemens Healthineers Source Source Siemens [19659021] [ad_2]
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