OZ KOVO says PROJECTION proposal at retirement age costs more than overhead costs


At a recent meeting that will begin Tuesday, Parliament will decide with certainty whether the 64-year-old retirement age is constitutional, as suggested by the Smer-SD coalition. Opposition OPEN urges other parties not to support this proposal, as it will weigh heavily on public finances. However, according to OZ KOVO, the load would be greater than the proposal.

"This system would certainly cost a lot more, with around 20,000 people retiring each year," said Igor Matovic, adding that the number of retirees would increase from 62,000 to 82,360, which is unsustainable for the economy. , " The president of OZ KOVO, Emil Machyna, said at a press conference that the Obyčejných measure would entail higher costs for public finances, such as the age of retirement at 64 years old.

Machyna also added that OZ KOVO is aware that the introduction of the pension ceiling will not be cheap. "But the gross domestic product is rising, the productivity of labor, people are earning more and the income of the social insurance company will be higher," Machyn has approached to fund the rationalization of the retirement age. At the same time, he said that if the pension ceiling was approved, trade unionists would advocate halving early retirement. According to trade unionists, another solution could be to change voluntary savings, for example in the third pillar.

Machyna also rejects comments that she would not meet OĽANO as Igor Matovic said. "We are trying to communicate and do not want to stir up political rivalries, we are not going into populist affairs," he said. Machyn added, who thinks enough votes will be found in Parliament for retirement.

OZ KOVO continues to collect signatures as part of a petition ahead of a referendum on setting a retirement age limit of 64 years. So far, it has collected 227,000 signatures and plans, at the end of this year, to gather 350,000 people to be able to declare a referendum.

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