Ozil's father did not save anyone after the criticism!


The representative of German football Mesut Özil is "disappointed and offended" by the treatment he has suffered in the past.

Sunday, his father, Mustafa, declared his attacking midfielder to end his career Özil was the subject of much criticism for his performances at the World Cup in Russia, with which the Germans have already spoken in the core group. The defeat of the trophy only wins over Sweden, even after a goal in the final seconds of a duel, but also against Mexico and the Republic of Korea

The Arsenal player in London was criticized before the World Cup and some even called the coach Joachim Löw he did not take it. Özil, with Ilkay Gündogan, met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A pair of representatives of Turkish roots posed in a common photo, and with a smile, she handed him his jerseys. Özila, twenty-one, therefore shot in a preliminary match against Austria, which the Germans had lost. "If I were in its place, I would say," Thanks, but that's too much, " Mustafa Özil said in Sunday's edition of Bild

"His own fans (19459005) C is like a sacrificial lamb, but he's been a role model for years, and it's still the best in the world to win." It's ridiculous – he loves Germany and shows his commitment, "he unworthy.

  Gundogan with Ozil Open Gallery

Özil's father revealed that he had advised his son not to be with the Turkish president. "I thought it was not the best idea, but I did not think everyone was doing it This was not the first picture of Mesut with Erdogan and no political gesture ", he said. the function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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