Pačinda vulgárne scolded the referee in the Czech Republic, he does not punish him


The 21-year-old Slovakian footballer Erik Pačinda complicates his situation with Viktoria Plzeň before playing his first match for Team A. The player, who left the autumn of Dunajska Streda and is already shooting in his new club, was ruled out in the junior match when he arbitrarily injured the referee.

Rodák from Kosice was allowed to play three matches for Junior Plzeň before the start of November, before finally changing his pitch from Dunajska Streda to Viktoria Plzen in winter. Against Libercu, Pilsen defeated (0: 3) and did not start the other duel against Dukla Praha. After a quarter-time junior, they played at 0: 1, but Viktorka equalized after 28 minutes. However, the Slovak representative, in the words of coach Pavel Fořt, "Unfortunately, he was excluded unacceptably". Pilsen then beat 1: 3.

36 minutes had passed and Pačinda was trying to appeal to the referee. "Piss on it!" he shouted asking for a free kick. The judge acted, but the future poster Pilsen accounted for. He fired a yellow card. "So go to p ***," he relieved you Pačinda, on the basis of which the referee Jiri Houdek sent him prematurely under the showers.

As the junior has only one duel this season, it is certain that Erik Pačinda does not have the number of starts allowed. On the contrary, the introduction of the spring party of the Czech Fortuna League will certainly come and the Disciplinary Committee will deal with it at the next meeting. Czech media report that usually, the punishment of the latter is measured on at least three league games. But the punishment could be even heavier, according to the newspaper, the management of the club planned to terminate prematurely the three-year contract signed by Pačinda in the autumn. "I'm in the hospital, call me next week" he shouted for Agent Flash Player Juraj Martvoň.

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