Panic aboard Ryanair: 33 people ended up in the hospital, expressing the company


A flight pilot from the metropolis of Dublin bound for the Croatian coastal town of Zadar decided to fly to Frankfurt Hahn International Airport on Friday night as the pressure suddenly dropped in the cabin. The machine landed at 23:30 CET

The German Federal Police told APD that 33 out of 189 passengers were complaining of headaches, sore throats and stomach nausea, so they took them to nearby hospitals. Other passengers spent a night at the airport

On Saturday morning, a replacement aircraft was launched in Zadar, but 22 passengers were unable to fly for medical reasons – the bus so brought them to their destination, according to the police. It is unclear exactly what happened on the Boeing 737.

"Now the experts need to clarify it, but it will take time", a added a spokesman for the police. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German daily, said that he was not listening to a thud, followed by a sudden drop in temperature inside the aircraft [19659003]

 Photo Illustration

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Claude Paris, FIle

From the top, they fell on the oxygen masks' heads, and then the crew announced that the plane was going to fall. Although the panic appeared, everyone eventually calmed down. Some passengers felt a sore throat but others started bleeding from their ears.

The Irish low cost airline Ryanair said in a statement that the reason for the emergency landing was "a reduction in pressure during the flight". The airline did not provide more details about the exact cause of the incident and did not address the health of the passengers.

"The pressure drop can happen from time to time, but it rarely leads to real problems" DPA spokesman for German pioneer Janis Georg Schmitt. The aircraft is not in danger of collapsing, and moreover, pilots normally train on air simulators, the spokesman added

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