Partizánske began with the demolition of a residential building on Nábrežná Street


In Partizánske they started on Monday with the demolition of a residential building in Nábrežná 206.

30. July 2018 at 18:50 TASR

PARTIZÁNSKE. In Partizanske, they began Monday the demolition of a residential building in Nábrežná 206. The house in which lived the predominantly weak social inhabitants, self-government chose to rehabilitate for its diabolical technical condition

"It's a step closer to the right of honest people, while the ambition and purpose of these measures are to continue until the rental properties of the city are fair and honest. , "said the Mayor of the city of Jozef Božik.

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Thus, the 207 building, which gave rise to the demolition of the city in 2015, and the 206 house, according to him, showed signs of "apartments" grumbled ", c & # 39; that is to say, useless apartments, devastated. "Unfortunately, no one would live in such apartments, the cost of reconstruction would be abnormal, and given the location and the name of the site, you would have trouble finding commercial or conventional tenants, so the city of Partizanske and the town of City council set

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The inhabitants of the building made their debut in the city, most citizens, according to information from the mayor, came out from the city, apartments rented to private individuals Bozik denied that it would be an act of transferring problems to other local governments. "If we want every autonomy to be a principle, the behavior of the whole community changes, all the activity of the city is educational, abruptly educational, because the human intelligence of the man can intelligent man is able to change his habits and his behavior he's fix There are limits that he can not cross. "

While one of the inhabitants of the secondary house tries to repair the tenants, demolishing the building according to his words.He said:" It's an absurdity first and they they've gotten rid of it and now they're destroying it, now everything is gone. "Bytovka was able to live in. What the city did, it's his way of thinking He admitted that the problems on the street Nábrežna are, and the situation could help integrate the tenants of Narrows Street to other parts of the city.

The city has so far deployed 165 households, of which about 106 were minors. of the rule three times and enough of the situation of the community, the local government tries to solve in the community center, through social workers in the field, the local civil service or school modernization so that the minority children can fully integrate. "In the case of two houses residences, only the behavior of their tenants will decide what will happen next, "Bozik added. [ad_2]
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