Pasta is not taken. Scientists – Health Nutrition – Health


  pesto, pasta

Pasta, despite the significant caloric intake, have a much lower effect on overweight than proteins and fats, precisely because of the functioning of our metabolism. Our body carries carbohydrates very quickly.

Is it true that pasta is picked? And are better whites or those of complete flour?

Although the latest trends and fashion in dietary food say the opposite,

No doubt they have a caloric value as a source of carbohydrates for which it is
necessary to take into account the diet. There are many reasons, however, pasta
they make the staple food not only Italian cuisine but mostly
Mediterranean diet. This is the food model that many studies today
they designate themselves as a long life elixir that protects them
Cardiovascular Diseases and Tumors

Let's start by making carbs the first and most important nutrient
the substance we receive daily, and that 50 to 60 percent of the total
the calories we must consume in the diet should come from

Despite the calories, they are in good health

Pasta and related foods, despite the high calorie intake
far less overweight than protein and fat, thanks to the fact that
how does our metabolism work. Our body carries a lot of carbohydrates
fast, so calories that contain carbohydrates are easier to consume
in the form of heat rather than accumulating.

Simple and refined sugars are harmful because they are
consumes them a lot and contributes to the rapid storage of energy. better
are composed of sugars, such as starch, the main ingredient of pasta, because of this
have a low glycemic index. The low glycemic index causes a longer sensation
sacrificing, leads to lower weight and reduces the risk of diabetes. Even better,
when we consume the optimal amount of fiber for carbohydrates. That's why

Pasta can be prepared in many ways with vegetables or cereals.
fish is a nutritionally balanced dish. Eating pasta also makes us
happy because they contain the amino acid tryptophan that ours
the body converts to serotonin, a neurotransmitter with antidepressants

A fashion scheme is to be avoided

There are many factors in the global society that provide some
diet popularity. Just when a celebrity diet holds and the media are
they are already taking care of becoming famous. But fad diets are needed
avoid because the vast majority of them do not have any real scientific basis.
It is advisable to consult an expert because each regime must be
suitable for everyone. Each person has a certain physical constitution and
metabolism and only after studying the complex state of the patient is possible
recommend an appropriate diet.

Avoid all diets that promise to lose seven kilograms
in seven days, and all the miraculous pills that can harm them
health. Only a doctor can prescribe medication to help adapt
diet and optimize its effects. Diet and strong will can not be replaced
no medicine. Any pharmacological form, although natural, in the form
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