Patrik Herman exclaimed for an hour: "That's what he did!"


Patrik has apparently redefined his strength. After ten years, he went to the gym and, although he had spent an hour and a half there, his staff was tearing down. "I got up from the bike, and suddenly, neither the picture nor the sound, just a fall to the other, it seemed to me to be broke the pressure, and luckily I am stayed and thanks to my friend Majki and to the quick intervention of the staff, I did not fall " shared his fan experiences.

Patrik shared with his fans a fun article.

Patrik Herman shouted an hour:

Source: Facebook P.H.

What has really happened? We asked the moderator himself: "Basically, after a long time of sport, I simply turned on it, but the alcohol diet that I did not drink, I usually drink little liquid to be able to bring it out."

Nevertheless, Patrik does not make the drama, and he also made a contribution on Facebook to show that it's only a man. "When I'm not perfect, I totally confess, I make mistakes, I do stupid things, I do not even notice myself sometimes, and sometimes I feel like I do not have to do it. drama of things that can be taken with humor, and I felt like I could somehow share some fun with people, sometimes I feel remorse for thinking that I write everything I can about difficult things, difficult topics, " said Trnavčan for

He had brought several plastic capsules to his native Trnava.

Patrik Herman shouted an hour:

Source: Facebook P.H.

He also shared his experience with fans to give them a break in their serious contributions. As he says himself, they often help, they share and he thinks that they deserve to read something even with joy. "So let me laugh, if it's nothing else." In my opinion, the combination that is that one day I almost fall into my help and the next day to a fast food, it's a blow but it's sometimes my life " Herman, with years of support for Oskar Iskierka, has helped underprivileged young people get into life.

Paťo has the heart in the right place and helps those who need it.

Patrik Herman shouted an hour:

Source: Facebook P.H.

Although one night, he almost disappeared, he did not hesitate to take a small snack on the second day, where he helped not only, but also other famous personalities. They were part of a day of charity. Patrik has been involved in this action for 20 years just for this great idea of ​​helping others.

Did it happen that you almost fell after the exercise?

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