Paulina Fialk: I'm in the best years. I want to represent – Winter Sports – Sports


Paulina Fialk

Paulina Fialk.

Author: .

I am here and I am very willing to represent the Slovak Republic in international competitions. It would be a shame not to participate. I have been training very hard for fifteen years. I'm ready to go on Sunday. With these words, the biathlete Paulina Fialk addressed the law firm of GARANT PARTNER legal s.r.o. The sons of Fialk are in conflict with the Slovak Biathlon Federation. At the end of the official section, the Slovak representative gave an interview to the media.

What do you see the nature of the conflict?

That the contract to be signed is illegal. it contains
provisions which, even in the opinion of the Chief Sports Auditor, are not
legal. These are human rights provisions that are not
in accordance with the public interest and representation. That's why we can not

Let's finish it, if the controversy is so serious that you could not
continue, what would you do?

Sports law will be most important to me – if I do another
work as a professional sport. I always say that it does not come
considerations. It's a demanding job, the sport also wants its own practice and the right wants its own
convenient. I would start something long.

What was your final preparation like?

We spent in Lenzerheide, Switzerland. We were there
1.3 km circuit because the snow conditions are far from ideal
Good. Wherever possible, we had some of the best conditions.
We trained very well, as shown by the control races at the end.
With our sister, we ran runners and shooters. With this section
of our work, we are satisfied and ready. As for the psychic site, we are
Profiles, we try to cut and the least we can communicate, read and
solve things around. We have a designated lawyers office. That's it
our employer Dukla Banská Bystrica and Slovenský are also
Olympic Committee. There have been many people who have something to do with this
say. Here my work is finished. I am a representative, I want
represent Slovakia. That's all.

You expected that even a week before the start of the World Cup, you would not know if
are you going to start in?

I did not expect that. It's like that, I do not know him today
influence. I think that will be solved and I will start running Sunday
world Cup

Pokljuke in Slovenia starts by relaying. Do you have any
Answer by Anastasie Kutzmin? If you have not started, there would be relay
threatened …

I can not say that. I do not know what Nastine intends to relay,
go or go. I am not competent and I do not have the right to talk to him
and not even compare it.

You've changed something in preparation compared to last season when pointers
indicate improvement?

In preparation, we have good things that have been proven and work
and improve our performance. We added a couple of small details,
they stole us higher. I can not say to what extent we have this cause
or the dispute noted. Even if I'm going to compete, I'll probably need it
a little time to catch up. I think I'm ready and able to do it
it's totally cool.

The conclusion of last season was excellent, the first time you come to
medal. What are your ambitions in this area?

The world championship in Östersund is a priority. They will be up to
end of season. I like the resort a lot and I'm used to it.
I look forward to the form and all the other efforts I will make towards the world
championship. I will see how the season begins and how it will continue.
From there, we'll see if we'll go to the World Cup
America and Canada, or we will not go and we will prepare ourselves at home. So we are
also agree with the coaches.

Do you want to add more locations to the winners?

I think a biathlete, unless it's fast
supertalent, matures every year. I'm in the best, they started now
from twenty-five to six and I hope they'll run in the thirties. That's it
on experiences, mileage, training hours.
At dawn on the sixth and evening of the larch of the eleventh,
Meanwhile, formation of the hill and robots. That's why I'm really sorry for this conflict, for
it's not a job for the last year, but for fifteen – and in those years it would be
should succeed. I should get to the best shape I believe
will be allowed. In this way, I want to please everyone who has me.
supported. At first they were my parents, it would not have been their help
as well as without the help of the Dukla Banská Military Sports Center
Bystrica, the Slovak Olympic Committee and certainly the Slovak Union
biathlon. I want them to make everything that they have invested in me – and I turn them over
my results.

Paulina Fialková. "Data-original ="

Paulina Fialk.
True, Robert Hüttner

Did you initially feel that the conflict was going so far?


Do you admit that you have not started the season?

I do not allow it at all, it does not give me logic or common sense. I do not know
in the current situation, I will wait for the union to decide
biathlon – whether to send me to the race or not. If he sends me, I will do it
represent and proudly wear the coat of arms. I'm never with that
had no problem. From the beginning, we stated that we would be in a representation
present all trade union partners under the Sports Act
we will provide all the personality rights that belong to them. With what it is
defined in the law, we have no problem – so I do not know where it is

Hypothetically – if he approaches, say the ski association and accept it.
your conditions, do you imagine?

No, certainly not. From the beginning, I say that I am a Slovak biathlete,
I feel like a product of Slovak sport, namely Slovak biathlon.
That's why I will never represent another country. I say it frankly and seriously,
I prefer to go to these black books (laughing while pointing
collections of laws). I'm crazy, skiing is beautiful, but never
I did not have that near the biathlon.

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