Pavol Topolský: The mysterious disappearance of the brother-in-law!


disappeared without a trace! The actor Pavol Topolski (57) survives these days with his partner, Vierka (29), torments ready for use.

Sister Janka (31 years old) suddenly left the house a few days ago, and as she does not have a cell phone, the search is all the more difficult. The actor, with his partner, is also testing Janka for his, but she still has not succeeded. Where is the loving brunette? The unfortunate family desperately asked for help and the police were already armed

. The sister of Topol's partner, Vierka, had disappeared from the Sabbath last Saturday and in the family caused a last alarm. Fear and uncertainty are taught mainly by Vierka, who wrote about the disappearance of a beloved nurse on the social network with a request for help solicited "From Saturday July 21, I can not get there.He left the house without a phone and never heard of her.I do not know where she is, who she is, or if she is fine. She is my segra, called Janka Bielik, she could be in Bratislava, but she could leave somewhere out of Bratislava, " wrote her actor on the social network on Tuesday, asking people to share and look around [19659004] Topoľského “/> Open the gallery

] "Please, if you have seen this beautiful girl, let me know!" Called again yesterday for help. This terrible situation causes wrinkles on the face of the Topolski "There is a burglary in the police, it has not left without a mobile phone.There is something similar in the past, but I do not want to publish details, it took two days, but now it has been longer, it can be disoriented, " told New Time an actor who, with his partner, combined the capital, but who does not Still has not succeeded.

Mala aj turtle

After the police were armed by the police, information about the missing Janke appeared on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. In the description of Jankin's clothes, she said that she had "a pink dress, a pale blue hat, a travel suitcase and a turtle with her". However, the social network is also useful for research. "Some people have already heard that they have seen it in a shopping center in Bratislava, publishing the image helped because it had been identified by a seller." However, Janka could not reach it, " added Topolský, who also brought friends to the search.

However, the biggest illness is experienced by the partner of the actor. "She's scared, my fear, the family, of course, she's not quiet when she does not know where that person is," sighed Paul, who dares not guess when this hell out of the # Uncertainty ends. "One can find it a minute, maybe two weeks, but it's quite correct,"

  Janka's Open Gallery

The Unprotected must be reported

Martin Wäldl, Chief of Police:

Uninsured persons must be notified to the nearest police unit. It is important to have basic information about the missing. Everything is important, especially the current photograph, a description of the clothes, information about the possible circumstances of the loss of property, as well as what has already been verified by family members, if any, known. One of the things that can greatly help find a missing person is a cell phone. By locating a cell phone, it is more likely that the police can find the missing person. In conclusion, we appeal to the public if you are aware of the movement or the absence of missing persons, contact line 158 or the nearest police force

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