PC Review | Development of a new generation large format camera with NIKKOR exchange lens and lens equipped with a new bayonet


Nikon is pleased to announce the development of the mirrorless FX format and the NIKKOR lens with a new bayonet

The mirrorless camera and NIKKOR lens have helped to give a new dimension in optical performance with a new bayonet. The mirrorless camera is the result of Nikon's advanced optical and manufacturing capabilities in more than a century of tradition, as well as advanced image processing technology. In addition, the expertise gained in the development of Nikon DSLRs

With this new mirrorless camera and NIKKOR lens, we are committed to enabling photographers to capture richer and more vivid images than never before.

the new mirrorless camera develops a new bayonet adapter. It will work with the NIKKOR Nikon F binoculars, which are part of Nikon's digital SLR camera, and will offer a wider choice to photographers.

Nikon will continue to be the leader in imaging culture through the introduction of the new mirrorless camera. the development of Nikon digital SLRs, giving consumers the choice to take advantage of the unique values ​​of both systems

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