PC Review | Four new features in Microsoft 365 to help you work in a team


A year ago, we introduced Microsoft 365 as a complete business solution that allows all employees to collaborate safely through Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility + integration. Security. The professional version of Office 365 currently employs over 135 million people, Windows 10 runs on more than 200 million commercial devices and Enterprise Mobility + Security has more than 65 million users.

Microsoft 365 has been designed to help front-line employees with great organizational leaders, change their style, and are more effective in environments that place increasing emphasis on the work of business. 39, team between sites and time zones

We present currently four new options: their collaboration, including novels in Microsoft Teams, and the use of artificial intelligence

1. Microsoft Teams Now in Free Version
Finally, we launched Microsoft Teams, a powerful platform for team work in response to the growing importance of working with our customers. Microsoft Teams includes and integrates tools for reading, meeting, calling, storing files and applications in Microsoft's common 365 work environment. To date, Microsoft Teams employs more than 200,000 businesses in 181 countries

] available worldwide also in a free version in 40 different languages. Whether a business owner, a small business owner or a small team within a large organization, everyone can use Microsoft teams to start using .

The free version offers the following features up to 300 people:

  • Unlimited Reading and Research
  • Integrated audio and video meetings between individuals, groups and connectivity at the scale of the I & # 39; Team
  • 10 GB of Storage and Storage for 2 GB
  • Online Office Online for Real-time Content Creation Including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote
  • Unlimited Connection to Other Applications with over 140 business applications including Adobe, Evernote and Trello
  • Ability to communicate and collaborate with anyone inside and outside of a company. Microsoft organization

This solution after Methods to learn more about Microsoft 365. The teams that are part of Microsoft 365 include everything in the free version. In addition, they have more storage, security, and regulatory compliance tools for larger businesses and can be used for any size enterprise.

Innogy . Through cloud services, the company has been successful in improving performance and creating a flexible work environment

2 Using Analyzes to Improve Work Habits and Collaboration
Introducing Workplace Analytics a Team Analysis Tool and company that uses Microsoft Graph collaboration. Workplace Analytics will enable teams to make meetings more efficient, devote more time to creativity, focused work, and work-life balance. Organizations can use aggregated data in Workplace Analytics to improve collaboration, understanding work habits, and improving teamwork.

MyAnalytics v Microsoft 365 Analytical Tool for Individuals offers and tips for changing habits such as an alert that you send emails to your colleagues outside of your hours of work, or a suggestion to create a space to focus your work.

3. New Intelligent Features of Microsoft 365 for Online Event Creation
Today, we are also introducing new features in Microsoft 365 that allow every employee to have it. Business to create and share online events (conferences, workshops, etc.). Events can be watched in real time or replayed with high definition video (HD) and interactive chat. Artificial intelligence services increase the experience of the on-demand event in:

  • Voice recognition speaker's timeline to easily switch to a particular speaker within an event,
  • transcribe spoken words into text, temporal coding and search for a transcript so that she can quickly search for the desired sequence
  • subtitle (audio transcription) so that the event is more accessible to all

The type of event depends on the decision of the author. You can use a webcam, share the content and screen in an informal presentation, or broadcast from professional devices

4. Collaboration on the white board shared digital Flipchart
The unlimited Microsoft Unboard digital whiteboard is now available for Windows 10, will soon be available for iOS and in the pre-production version for the Web. Whether people meet personally or in a virtual environment, they need to be able to collaborate in real time. The new Whiteboard app allows it, even on multiple devices. You can save notes, create tables, diagrams, and images with the stylus, the touch, and the keyboard, and search and insert images on the Web.

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