PC Review | Hyperloop has a new record. During the SpaceX competition, the German cabin reached a speed of 457 km / h in the test tunnel


A team of German engineers from the Technical University of Munich WARR got a hattrick in the third year of the SpaceX competition on the fastest hyperloop booth. He won the main prize for the third time and set a new record at 457 km / h.

The task of the competition was to build a cabin that would cross the 1.2km track in the SpaceX Space Test Tunnel as quickly as possible. Another condition was that it was a self-propelled vehicle.

During the competition, hundreds of engineers from around the world presented their vision of the future of ultra-fast travel by the hyperloop system, presented for the first time by Elon Musk. in 2013. He assumed that aerodynamic aluminum capsules filled with passengers or goods could be driven by almost airless pipelines at a speed close to the speed of sound. Admittedly, all the solutions are small and are not adapted to the transport of people

WARR won the main awards competitions held in January and August 2017. Its prototype has neglected the competitive solutions of other teams. A carbon fiber capsule, weighing 154 kilograms, is powered by a 50-kilowatt electric motor and includes pneumatic friction brakes that allow it to stop in five seconds. The main difference from the past was the absence of the vehicle "push" SpaceX, all capsules had to be self-propelled

WARR also won one of three innovations. It was an appreciation of his ambitious stage – he built two capsules, one for speed competition and the other to demonstrate the ability to levitate

Source: theverge.com

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