PC Review | Microsoft Surface Go, priced at $ 399, outperforms iPads and Chromebooks. Or is it just marketing stuff?


After several months of crossing and informal information, Surface Go is official. The cheap 10-inch tablet is designed as a smaller and less powerful Surface Pro version.

The basic model, which costs $ 399, comes with only 4GB of RAM, 64GB of eMMC storage and a less powerful Pentium Gold processor. After adding various accessories like different types of packaging, more RAM, faster SSDs, the price jumps quickly above $ 600. And what Surface Go with such specifications and prices?

Microsoft does not specify this device for a particular type of client. This is not a direct competitor of iPads or Chromebooks, but not a cheap 400 dollar laptop. While Surface Laptop with Windows 10 S was introduced during a training event, Surface Go seems to target wider consumer circles. In addition to educational institutions, it could be used by ordinary consumers and even businesses. It must be a cheaper and portable surface for those who appreciate the Surface Pro and specifications.

It's natural to compare Surface Go with Apple's iPad, even if it's not a direct competition. The basic iPad is $ 329. If you do not want a tablet, Surface Go may not be the best choice because it does not have 1.3 million applications designed and optimized specifically for the iPad

However, Rad Surface includes hybrid devices. That's why Microsoft is promoting Surface Go with a special type cover with a $ 99 keyboard that turns it into a laptop. Apple does not provide a keyboard for ordinary iPads, but it's a bit like copying the Surface concept with its iPad Pro. However, he refused to add cursor support, so iPad users still have to touch the control screen.

A Surface Go does not directly correspond to Chromebooks or 400 dollar notebooks with Windows. After adding type coverage, the base model is $ 498. If you think of a laptop at this price point, there are even better options with a bigger screen. Chromebooks are usually sold for less than $ 500. The price of the highest Surface Go model with 8 GB of RAM and 128 GB of SSD is $ 549. If you add a hundred dollar cover, it's already $ 649, which is already close to the iPad Pro or Surface Pro.

Microsoft seems to be focusing on the market segment between low-end and high-end devices. Surface Go is similar to a $ 799 Surface Pro tablet with keyboard and pen support offering more than just a simple iPad or Chromebook.

The $ 400 to $ 700 price range is ideal for PC makers. . Microsoft is relying on a similar trick. The price of $ 399 is a marketing move that aims to raise interest with the hope that you will ultimately buy the model for $ 549.

Unlike Surface 3, Surface Go has a large trackpad, a USB-C port also the Surface connector), a much better support and a high-end design that you usually do not see at this end of the PC spectrum. Surface Go offers a user-friendly Windows 10 experience on such a small device, which brings the tablet + laptop concept closer to a wider audience, but it can also destroy the brand. Surface, known to provide users with a first-rate Windows experience

Source: theverge.com

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