PC Review | Sundar Pichai, Google CEO: Android widens your choices, not vice versa


Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, also commented on the latest report from the European Commission on a fine for Google on the Android operating system. We retain his opinion:

"The decision of the European Commission to designate Android and, in particular, its business model as an abusive dominant position on the market, does not take into account the level of competition that Android exposes to iOS, as well as 89% of those surveyed in its own market research, and do not even consider the wide choice of Android to offer to the thousands of mobile phone manufacturers and mobile operators that manufacture and sell Android devices, "

" Today, thanks to Android, you can choose from 24 thousand different devices, in all price categories, among over a million customers, like 1,300 different Italian Italian Romanian Spanish and Swedish producer "

These companies are very different, but one thing has one thing in common: the same applicati they work on them. This is possible thanks to simple rules that guarantee basic technological compatibility, regardless of the size or shape of the device. None of the manufacturers even have to subscribe to this policy – they can use and edit Android as they want, as Amazon has done on their Fire and TV Sticks. "

" Open platforms only survive through a constant balance of all participants. The story shows that without clear rules for basic compatibility, open platforms are fragmented, which hurts users, developers, and phone makers. The rules compatible with Android try to avoid and keep Android in good shape and long term. "

" With Android, you can now buy a phone with about 40 pre-installed apps from different companies, not just from the phone the phone has been bought. If you prefer that other applications, browsers or search engines are preinstalled, you can easily disable or uninstall them, and choose others, for example from one of the 1.6 million European developers who feed it. "

" A typical Android user installs about 50 apps. Last year, we downloaded more than 94 billion apps from our Play app store, for example, Opera Mini and Firefox have downloaded more than 100 million users and the UC browser more than 500 million times. This contrasts sharply with what the world looked like in the 1990s and at the turn of the millennium. At that time, it was technically and time consuming to change the pre-installed application or add a new one. The decision taken today by the European Commission does not take into account the current choice and clear evidence of how users actually use their phones. "

" In 2007, we decided to provide free Android to manufacturers and mobile operators. At the same time, however, it must be said that Android has been associated with considerable costs, and that Android has become what it is today, Google had to invest billions of dollars during the last decade. This investment makes sense by giving our phone manufacturers the ability to pre-install a set of popular Google apps (including Search Eng, Chrome, Play Store, Maps and Gmail) on their phones. "

after unpacking and generating Google's advertising revenue.The manufacturers can not have our services installed on their phones.They also have the opportunity to offer competitive services with our services.That means we only win if our apps are installed on the device and only if their users choose to use competing apps instead. "

"The fact that Android and Google's suite of basic apps are distributed for free is not only beneficial for phone and mobile phone manufacturers, but also for developers and consumers.Mobile operators could not place our applications on a wide range of their devices, this could unbalance the entire ecosystem of Android. "The current business model meant that we would not be able to place our applications on a wide range of their devices, this could unbalance the entire Android ecosystem. not to sell our technology to the phone manufacturers, nor to introduce a strictly controlled distribution model. "We are still in agreement with the claim that size is coming in. A healthy and prosperous Android ecosystem is in everyone's interest and we have shown that we are ready to make changes, but we are concerned that today 's decision disrupts the fragile balance we have with Androide managed to put it in place and sends a disturbing signal, which today' s decision from the Android leader, but at the same time rejects the business model that allows its existence.We are convinced that Android has developed and has not restricted the choice.And we plan to appeal. "

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