PC Review | We still love what we like about Pohoda. Cool "concert experiences" creates new records


The twentieth year of the Pohoda festival began the summer 2018 festival. This year it was true that what happened on Pohoda did not leave for Pohoda. The atmosphere of the festival, the emotions during the concerts and the "concert experiences" that Inran placed on the visitors throughout the festival were not just in the area of ​​the festival. Trenčín airport. Visitors shared them with the Internet and with their friends.

  • at the festival with a fixed, Wi-Fi and mobile connection transferred a total of 8.156 GB of data
  • compared with the previous year, the volume of data transferred increased by 46.5%, while data transmission in the 4G network it has increased by 112%
  • This year's festival visitors wanted to know more – they called 520,475 calls, 16% more than last year Pohoda [19659005] a useful festival application Pohoda 2018 powered by Orange visitors facilitated navigation in the festival and connected them to current events, actively downloaded and used more than 22 290 people
  • there were a total of 8,777 installations on the Pohoda; the visitors had, in addition to portable chargers, 300 self-service charging points and 825 power outlets in the chargers
  • live streaming Welcome to the sun before the festival on the Facebook profile Orange watched 22,151 fans between 5am and 6am About 2,700 of them were involved in Pohoda tickets
  • in the Orange Festival area, using more than 2 kilometers of wire rope, 1.2 kilometers of optical wiring; 34 Wi-Fi access points and 12 directional antennas provide high quality Wi-Fi Internet coverage
  • 2G, 3G and 4G networks provided 3 mobile BTS stations connected to the Orange network
  • of 659 mobile phones unusable designed for ecological disposal

Orange has been the main partner of the Pohoda festival for seventy years providing Pohoda with technology, security, coverage, service and complete entertainment and convenient services to visitors to Pohoda. "Our primary ambition is to create maximum comfort for the visitor, the organizer and the artist in the field of the airport in the use of communication technologies, as well as that the conditions of use that are common in the day.Cool is really about the experiences and the atmosphere, so it is important for us to focus on them and does not solve any limitation.Even this year, the Growing trend to share the experience of the festival has been confirmed, and thanks to the site's Wi-Fi coverage, 4G network and visitors, the atmosphere of Pohoda has been reintroduced " Natalia said Kunicka

At Pohoda 2018 this year, mobile, fixed and Wi-Fi networks sold 8,156 GB of data, giving visitors 46.5% more data than last year, volume of data transferred over the mobile network compared to the year before up to 112%, with a total of 3,268 GB of free Wi-Fi, compared to the number of calls from last year to the festival, 520,475 for every day, including 37 409 were 4G

Data recording numbers and transferred calls again confirm that festival visitors want their only to share festival moments and the mobile is part of the Compulsory equipment of the festival for several years now. To "post" your social experiences and share your emotions with other people, this year has also benefited from a special "giga" benefit for Orange customers: 1GB of free mobile data. Pohode was used by 8,488 visitors, or 2,611 more activations than last year.

Not only concussion concerts, but also Giga experiments in the Orange Zone that flooded social networks. What is all this documented video . More than 2,630 fans and 2,646 fans attended the competition on the Facebook profile of Orange on the huge Giga Tent. Cult Festival The welcoming sun in the pre-premiere – on the Sunday of May – on the facebook profile of Orange, accompanied by the Polemic group, spotted 22,151 fans between 5:00 and 6:00

Also the interactive Pohoda 2018 interactive festival by Orange, which informed visitors of the current situation, recorded a record number of downloads. 22,290 site visitors installed it, an increase of 20% over last year. This number represents active users, which means that not only has the application been downloaded but that it has also actively used more than two-thirds of viewers.

Traditionally, a very useful service to the festival is a charger – self-service and assisted. About 8,777 devices were loaded on Orange chargers, of which 887 were portable batteries. This year, Orange Area Visitors had 300 USB plugs and plugs for self-service charging, 525 plugs to an assisted charger in the Orange zone and 150 dual-charger plugs in tent cities

Orange Zone in addition to standard help Orange facilities have also covered the area for relaxation and entertainment. Fans of World Cup football matches have seen nearly 1400 football fans, and the two-story zone has been able to hide at least 800 visitors in front of the sun. The installation and construction of this year's Orange Zone lasted 120 hours, with only 12 scaffolds

The Orange Foundation brought its discussion program to Optimistane for the fifth time. In addition to theatrical performances, discussions have also been prepared for current community topics as well as long-term "open" questions in the areas of education, inclusion, use of modern technologies, conferences on ecological trends and participation in a better and more decent Slovakia. The entire program was presented interactively, and visitors asked visitors to discuss 113 questions through the application

and this year's green approach brought Orange to Pohoda not only on the discussion board. His long-standing initiative, "Old Mobiles Returns", moved stores to the Trenčín airport and invited visitors to bring their useless mobiles to the festival. The purpose of this activity is the ecological elimination, always related to the financial support of a non-profit organization. Visitors brought 659 unusable mobiles to Pohoda, with a visitor enriching the collection with an incredible 29 pieces. For every successful mobile on Pohoda, Orange contributed 50 cents to the return of the civil association.

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