Pellegrini wants to study medicine more


For 185 other students, the government should allocate two million euros

13. July 2018 at 14:47 TASR

BRATISLAVA. Bratislava Medical School, Martine and Košice would also accept 185 new students in general medicine

Interviewed by Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini. It will take about two million euros

"We will be fighting constantly with staff shortages, so with the shortage of doctors and nurses," he explained. New students should take three faculties based on the results of admission interviews who are already interested.

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Faculties should take students of high quality, who have not studied for lack of space.

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"So, 185 people who wanted to study medicine but lacked space in faculties could still be there return in September ". Prime Minister

The Minister of Finance Petrom Kažimir (Smer-SD) has already talked about the increase in the number of students in three faculties. "

Andrea Kalavska, Minister of Health, said in a speech to Pellegrini that he would like to increase the number of other medical professions, according to Pellegrini."

"In order to suffer from shortcomings for a number of years," added the Prime Minister.

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