People should know their HIV status. Whether positive or negative Health | health


On December 1, we are traditionally reminded of the importance of HIV prevention and awareness.

This year's theme is a simple sentence: "Find your status". With Jiří Pavlát, director of the House of Light (civic association dedicated to the prevention of HIV / AIDS), we spoke about the current situation. According to his words it's a timely treatment of what saves lives. People should know their HIV status, whether positive or negative.

What about Dom Light means December 1st?

It means a lot of work and preventative activities. This year, December 1st comes to its climax European test weekWe are therefore intensively providing test subjects for HIV, syphilis and jaundice throughout the week. For example, meetings are held in schools and faculties of medicine.

Where can we test in Bratislava / Slovakia?

Make sure to check in Babuškova Street in Bratislava on Fridays from 16:00 to 19:00. The other institutions participating in the European Test Week are OZ PRIMA, OZ ODYSEUS and the Slovak Health University of Bratislava.

Is the HIV test billed?

The test is provided free of charge and anonymously as part of the European Test Week, not only for HIV, but also for Type B and C jellies. Except for the test week, it is reimbursed via sponsorship or health insurance.

Where can a person suspected of having a positive status look for help?

First of all the control points. We also organize information consultations via the Internet. Of course, we also have HIV counseling. In addition, a direct telephone line, both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Finally, we are organizing HIV / AIDS meetings at the House of Light.

Does the state support prevention in one way or another?

In Slovakia, the Ministry of Health does not support these activities, we depend on sponsorship donations. In the Czech Republic, we have a grant dedicated exclusively to HIV prevention.

A seemingly simple question. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV is an infection that destroys the body's defenses and AIDS results from a defect in the body's defenses. HIV and AIDS can last from ten to ten years. It is very important to know that HIV can not be eliminated completely from the body, but it can be successfully treated today. The virus is removed to undetectable values ​​and one can lead a busy life.

What type of treatment is available and what success?

The most advanced drugs (pre-exposure prophylaxis -PrEP) work on the principle of preventing the replication of the virus, bringing its values ​​to a point close to zero. We know that the virus persists in the body, but it is so degraded that it does not hurt people. Early treatment is what saves life. People should know their HIV status, whether positive or negative.

Can we then declare that HIV-positive treatment by pre-exposure prophylaxis is non-infectious?

Yes you are right This question is new only in our geopolitical plans. In Western Europe, information has been known for several years. In 2008 was created Swiss declaration, who declares the non-differentiation of patients treated by this method. The statement was reaffirmed. At the same time, it allowed to use the treatment as a preventive measure.

How is it that our company is so nice?

Conservatism in Bohemia and Slovakia prevents us from perceiving the importance of new scientific knowledge and preventive activities. The stigma of this disease is useless, people continue to fight HIV that behaves responsibly. The lack of knowledge of the company concerns the layman, but unfortunately also the professional society.

What other forms of discrimination do you encounter most often in practice?

It is mainly about social application and attachment to an intimate relationship. HIV-positive environments are automatically afraid. Withdrawal from employment, dismissal or refusal of health care are very common.

As for the criminalization of positive HIV, we are still in the '90s.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, some courts have already found that there was something like a zero infectious load. However, many judges do not have this information. Although customers have not banned anyone, they are condemned to endanger the health of another person.

"In the Czech Republic, we have also witnessed a number of cases in which individual members of the gay community" hold accounts "against each other: Abuse an HIV-positive person by accusing him of sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, our prosecution authorities do not have enough information about HIV and the conflict often ends with unauthorized criminal proceedings against an innocent person ", Explain Jakub Tomáš, the lawyer for clients with AIDS, helped the Czech Republic.

As with statistics, the number of people infected decreases or increases each year?

In the Czech Republic, 250 to 270 years have been infected in recent years, from 60 to 80 in Slovakia, while the trend is decreasing in Western Europe. Of course, in Western Europe the subject of timely treatment has become much more widely known, and treatment is also more affordable as a preventative treatment, leading to a downward trend in new HIV infections. In our latitudes, the PrEP of a normal mortal is financially inaccessible. In 2018, we meet for the first time with a downward trend in our country in the Czech Republic.

Shows for better times?

In Slovakia, this trend has not yet occurred. The infection is more often transmitted by people who do not know their condition. It is necessary to combat the stigma and taboos surrounding HIV. In Germany, for example, the TV presenter admitted that the diagnosis had an incredibly positive impact. It is necessary to open a lively discussion about screening, treatment and at the same time make the APRP accessible to the general public. Because we have the possibility of effective treatment, we must use it.

This year, you will be able to meet in the streets of Bratislava with social workers and volunteers on December 1st. Add them peacefully to the SHAME party in Fuge. Do not forget the red ribbons.

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