Pesničkár Tomáš Klus will fight against all media babies economy


Czech composer Tomáš Klus opted for an unusual radical and artistic environment – a boycott of all the activities of Prime Minister Andrey Babis, with the intention of completely disappearing from the electronic and printed media that are part of his empire and do not even participate in events sponsored by his companies.

In his own words, he decided to do so after several friends, who went to the Colors of Ostrava music festival sponsored by Babis Agrofertom, were injured by him.

Journalist Blesk informed the journalist of the decision.

Tomáš Klus, who has long publicly expressed his reservations about the policies and behavior of the Czech Prime Minister, has admitted in a self-critical manner that he himself has been liberated from his own way of thinking. He realized that his songs appeared in the Óčko musical television show that his guest had recently told him that he had provided an interview with the daily Mladá fronta Dnes.

"There is nothing but recognizing my inconsistency, my mistake and my glory, because I believe that uncertain weather needs clear opinions", quotes the singer -composer.

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