Peter Hraško finishes at the end of the year as NAKA elite police chief


Peter Hraško and Milan Luchansky agreed in the end with NAKA.

Police President Milan Lučanský has agreed with Petra Hrašková, Director of NAKA, on his new activities in the police force of the Slovak Republic. Lucian asked him to meet in the elite police.

"Although the disciplinary proceedings have not yet been finalized, I have agreed with NAKA Director Petr Hraško, of his later work in the police premises." Here the end of the 39, year, I will announce my place in the police where he would like to work more.It will be a place in a different police force, such as the national criminal agency, "Lučanský said.

Hraško will occupy the position of Director of NAKA until the end of 2018.

No place to play

"As the provisional chairman of the CA, I will not leave the post afterwards, I will leave him to the new president of the police.I think I will entrust to NAKA the current deputy director of NAKA, Patrik Jurík" Lučanský added.

Hraško is currently facing disciplinary proceedings for the NAKA procedure after an anonymous criminal notification was sent to the protest party organizers.

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