PHOTO: Catastrophic Lejaks in Japan: 27 dead and nearly 50 missing


The 27 deaths on Saturday increased the number of victims of heavy rains and floods in southwestern Japan. At least 47 people are missing and the remaining five are in critical condition. Reuters reported on media reports.

The Japanese Meteorological Institute JMA issued a warning to residents of the four prefectures in the west of the Japanese island of Hons, due to bad weather. Meteorologists have called the rain "historical" and warned of landslides, rising rivers and a strong wind.

In the city of Motojama on the island of Sikoku, about 600 kilometers from Tokyo, rainfall of 583 millimeters fell in 24 hours, reported the institute of meteorology. Among the victims was a man who fell from a bridge to a river in Hiroshima in western Japan, and a 77-year-old man in Takashima, about 56 kilometers east of Kyoto, broke into the canal.

As a result of the landslides, five wounded in the prefectures of Ehime, Hiroshima and Jamaguich remained in critical condition.

  Floods in Japan

Floods in Japan Photo: Shingo Nishizume / Kyodo News via AP

On Saturday morning, authorities ordered the affected areas to evacuate more than 1.6 million people for fear of others. landslides and floods, with 3.1 million other people recommended for safety reasons to leave their homes.

About 48,000 cops, firefighters and Japanese self-defense forces (JSDF) were involved in the rescue operation.

In recent days, southwestern Japan has hit the powerful mystery of Prapiroon, which has left its effects on the islands of Okinawa and Kyushu

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