PHOTO Driver in slow motion on BMW: The impact on another bumper triggered a massive crash


A mass crash occurred Monday morning at seven o'clock. As spokesperson for Trnava police officers, Martina Kredatusová, the 29-year-old driver from Cachtice in the Nové Mesto nad Váhom district drove the BMW 320 D towards Trnav and noticed slowdowns. From the back, he entered the BMW in front of the car, and then a four-car crash broke out. In the accident, the drivers of both Bavarians were easily injured.

  PHOTO Slow Driver on

Source: Police

By breath tests, no alcohol was found in a participant in the crash. "Police ask drivers to comply with traffic regulations, focus on driving, follow the road and stay at a reasonable distance from vehicles that face the front" .

  FOTO Slow Down

Source: Police

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