Photo: In Banská Bystrica, they developed unique mobile navigation towers


BANSKÁ BYSTRICA, July 29 ( – At MSM in Banská Bystrica, unique mobile navigation towers with no competition in the region are produced exclusively by the Slovak product.

As the director of media of MSM Banská Bystrica, Juraj Lauš, said that, in the wake of increased demand from abroad, he plans to employ about thirty people in the country. future

The management of the company is one of a kind. The MATC towers are currently the only ones of their kind in the region.

The first pieces in India

A unique product has aroused interest abroad and the demand comes mainly from Asia. After the Slovak company won a call for international bids earlier in the year, the first eight rounds have already been purchased by the Indian government for 6.4 million euros.

"In the short time allotted to us, the Banská Bystrica operation employees managed to produce and prepare the shipping of the eight mobile air navigation towers." said about the success in the international competition Lauš

He added that the tower they built is unique by the possibility of placing it anywhere, from where It is (19659010) INDUSTRY: Air Force Mobile Navigation Towers "width =" 676 "height =" 451 "class =" align size-medium wp-image-1275444 "srcset =" https: //cdn.webnoviny. sk / sites / 32/2018/07 / zj5a5456-676×451.jpg 676w,×512.jpg 768w, https: //cdn.webnoviny. sk / sites / 32/2018/07 / zj5a5456-992×661.jpg 992w,×107.jpg 160w, https: //cdn.webnoviny. sk / sites / 32/2018/07 / zj5a5456-312×208.jpg 312w, x54.jpg 81w,×448.jpg 672w, 120×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max-width: 676px) 100vw, 676px "/>

View of the mobile airport navigation towers produced by the MSM branch of Banská Bystrica for the Republic of l & # 39; India.
  INDUSTRY: Mobile Navigation Towers for the Air Force
View of the Mobile Air Navigation Towers Produced by an MSM Subsidiary in Banská Bystrica for the Republic from India. Banská Bystrica July 26, 2018. Photo: SITA / Peter Russia

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