Photovoltaic: The amendment on renewable energy concerns the support of distributors


Image of the illustration. Photo: TASR / Pavol Ďurčo

Bratislava, July 18 (TASR) – The amendment to the law on renewable energies (sources of renewable energy) is rather the support of distribution companies as a support renewable energies. He said this Wednesday at a working breakfast with reporters producing renewable energy sources and representative of the Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry (SAPI) Ján Karaba. According to him, the proposed regulation is likely to be distributed, but it can be liquidated for electricity producers

According to Mr. Karab, the amendment has only two advantages. One is the introduction of a local resource institute. He says that if a local energy source is manufactured up to 500 kW, it does not need to be connected to the system. He added that this directly concerned the SAPI proposal, saying that the current configuration is still insufficient from the point of view of the European directive

The second positive point is the auction system. For new larger powers of more than 500 kW, an auction will be introduced after the new state in which the state will choose an electricity production plant from renewable sources of energy, who will support him. The final prize will be the result of the competition "The auction system, when someone introduces it, is not a winning prize for itself. Auctions are very complex, "stressed Karab . He concluded that SAPI's comments on the amendment of the law did not receive an adequate response

The current version of the amendment is, in his view, rather a law on non-support renewable resources and support of distribution companies "A dramatic majority of the amendment to the law actually treats distributors," was approached by the representative of SAPI

The amendment also includes an ineligible delivery system, which requires manufacturers to have a contract to access the distribution system. According to Karaba, the decision of the Constitutional Court (SR) of the Slovak Republic should be circumvented. He said that the obligation of electricity producers to pay certain payments for access to the distribution network stems from the energy law only on the basis of a contract for access to the distribution network

. against foreigners, said Róbert Zelenay, director of the regulation and management of commercial activities of Slovenské elektrárne "All countries around us, no one has such a burden", said that in Slovakia nobody would want to build on such measures. "When the European Commission wants us to build renewable resources at 30%, resources across Europe can only be built in Slovakia"

G-component is a Payment For access to the distribution network that distribution companies justify for the costs incurred, Karaba said. But, according to him, none of these costs is, because they paid the electricity producers to connect the electricity to the grid. "And for this, the distributor had to finance the expansion of the network, all possible technical adjustments to the network," urged the distribution companies to calculate the costs they incurred.

Source:, the TASR News Agency

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