Pocket PCs or how Nintendo makes its own market


Handheld computers, or portable media, have been with us for a very long time. With the growing mobile phone market, do they really have their place on the market?

Today, mobile phones with better performance are so affordable that the game on the go is not a problem for anyone. In addition, the library of free games is so vast that we wonder if portable consoles still have the future. If we do this, except Nintendo Switch, we have nothing to do with it.

But back on time. Once these machines were very popular. In the 80s and 90s, you could not even count all the models. Of course, not all good. In fact, almost none. On most of them, you only played one game where there were only a few control options, and your only progress was that you get the same level indefinitely. These best machines could even count on you and so you could congratulate someone (who was interested in it). The advantage was that they were not expensive, so if they bought a lot of friends, everyone could own another one and change them

Tetris or Formula, although the console itself was the inscription 9999 games . the remaining 9989 were only different variations of the top 10. No glory, but some of my mothers, knew that the tetris played for hours at night. Until now, I do not understand why you prefer not to spit, yes Tetris is great but far from here

Nevertheless, these consoles have succeeded. And why not? Imagine long trips by bus, train or plane. Mobile phones were in diapers and games were not even considered there. Laptops were all owned and endurance that they did not have. But suddenly, you just need a few batteries and you have fun for hours. Of course, customer demand at that time was much smaller. Nowadays, such a retro mašinky that many of us possess, but if we start from nostalgia for a moment, let us admit, it is not quite the same, even though we remembered during one moment. Today, portable media features first-class AAA titles with huge worlds, beautiful stories and beautiful visuals, so we do not have to wonder why this is not so interesting anyway

Nintendo GameBoy in 1989 for Japan and the rest of the world in 1990. Originally, he had even integrated Tetris to increase sales. Later, the facelift came Nintendo GameBoy Color (1998). GameBoy was a serious business because it was played with almost complete games. They were games in their own right, but they did not reach the quality of the PC or TV consoles, so only "almost". In those years, of course, we were already able to play 3D PC games, or large console platforms, though. Pokémoni Super Mario Legend of Zelda, Spiderman, Castlevania The display was not backlit, so it could only be played in the light and the Demand for the batteries was high enough, so you had to pack a pair of rechargeable items or in your backpack if you were going somewhere on the weekends. The console was so popular that it was a sequel, GameBoy Color Advance (2001), which already had a 32-bit processor, so the graphics were a big leap forward. One could say that only the first version of GameBoy was the time when handhelds became aware of high quality developers and began to rely on this option as with a separate platform

There has been no competition for a long time. The closest word to the competition was Sega with their console Game Gear . But take it. Both GameBoys, Classic and Color, have sold nearly 119 million units, while Sega, which has the highest selling other units, has only reached 11 million. But drinking water, in which Nintendo was dangerously floating, was about to lose an inexperienced predator.

For the next few years, this sphere has become more and more popular, and the leader was clearly Nintendo, who did not fundamentally have any competition, but also did not engage in the fight for the TV console PlayStation and later began to compete with Xbox . The sixth generation, competing with PS2, Xbox, Nintendo's GameCube, and Sega's DreamCast, could not be considered a competitor, and Nintendo has experienced it. PS2 has sold more than 155 million units and Xbox with DreamCast console for both 22 million. So Nintendo started to focus again on what was happening to them. Handheld computers. But even where they were not threatened, they tried to weaken Sony's sales and that the water was well fed

In January 2004 Nintendo DS was sold, but this time he had to face the opponent. In Japan, at Sony, a little devil named SONY PSP (PlayStation Portable) was created. Sony left nothing to chance and rose up against the then king and did not cheat on it at all. Let's talk about it. All versions of Nintendo DS have sold for $ 154 million, while an absolute newcomer to more than 82 million units. Hat low. But what was it?

Particularly advantageous marketing and benefits also in the form of well-known brands of ordinary consoles at the travel pocket. They did not care about the price and have devoted themselves to the console for a very long time. Nintendo has recognized the first competitor. So he decided to do the same thing with home consoles. It was only indirect and so came Nintendo Wii . We all know that it was a fairly specific machine, but, of course, winning its audience and selling more than 100 million units, it showed that Nintendo is a master in building its own market. Unfortunately, his subscriber Wii U has already failed and with sales of about 14 million units, he was a total loser. They are not the only ones to have been burned. Sony was preparing for its own spectacular failure

The eighth generation of consoles also brought us new handhelds. Nintendo came up with 2DS and 3DS which was extremely successful, but it was not everything. Nintendo after the Wii U received a new blow, was preparing for a new coup that mixed the cards on the market. And Sony came up with PlayStation Vita . Really a great console, which unfortunately has not been so successful. And why? I have some tips. First prize € 250 per model Wifi and € 300 per 3G is really enough. Since the console itself had a lot of bugs after the launch, Sony then fired the price of 50 € less. The second important thing is to support memory cards. By the time the world captured the SD card, Sony will come with its model, which was the hell of a dear. You can still find a 64GB version of a memory card that costs 100 €, thank you very much. Why Sony, why? And these games. The peak of the visual is that the console was able to tighten, but to cost as many games PS3 and PS4, so it did not work. At a time when huge titles of reputable manufacturers stood on 5 mobile handsets for a 40 € wearable game, that's really too much. Sony has sold about 15 million units since 2011, when the system saw the light of the world, and it is a real loser compared to the PSP. Especially when Nintendo sold nearly 73 million units of 3DS. In the growing market, selling just "a little" more than Sega Game Gear 15 years ago, it's a pity, and Sony should put a point in advance because after the PSP they had this segment almost at their feet

Despite the fact that the last real handheld was released last year and that Nintendo 2DS XL there is another hybrid that has swapped the water. Nintendo Switch . TV and Handheld console at the same time – they were black. They themselves talk about sales and, from early spring 2017 to January 2018, they sold nearly 15 million units. For comparison, Xbox One sold 36 million units (Sony PS4 75 million) from January 2013 to January 2018. By the time Microsoft spammed the slap you gave yourself (if you care, read THIS ARTICLE and colleague Ľubo attached PRIAMO TU ) will come to the market with a console that has no competition, because once again the market is clean . This time, however, it is a complete system that you can take anywhere. The expensive game and games are not cheap, but this time there are also known AAA titles from PS4 and XONE or PC. Certainly not in the same quality that you would have played on the systems mentioned, but given the titles of Nintendo and that can not be played on anything other than the Switch, we have a real rival where, if we look at the multiplatform games and with their visuals, we have a small winner of this generation. The PS4 is a big deal because the sales talk about everything, but Nintendo has only managed to create a competition. And guess what Microsoft? Yes, games. Games you do not play on PC, Microsoft. They are doing the same thing as Sony, just a little different, but in turn, and by the end of this year, I will go underground no more than 2 years as Xbox for 5 years. , Xbox One will fail you.

So, do these types of consoles still have a future? Those who seriously think about traveling travel do it. There is always a place on the market. Maybe mobiles become more powerful and more affordable, but never, but you'll never have the same gaming experience on the mobile as on the console. Yes, I know of consoles with Android that are on the Internet, which even mimic old known systems, but if you look at real YouTube videos, you will find that they do not pay much for money. If you buy an accessory, you know how to get it, but if the quality library, Sony, is reading you now, without buying proprietary accessories and all at a reasonable price, there will be customers. And, according to the numbers, it is clear that they are not very few. I own both PSP and PS Vita. Unfortunately, Nintendo is not, because I do not want to have a million systems at home, but I will move to. I'm afraid I do not turn on the Xbox because the PS4 is the main console for me, I mostly use the PSP on the go because I have NES emulators and older systems but I can imagine that I Have a good trip like Zelda.

I would really like Sony or Microsoft to come into this field with something, even if it's a little less certain that it will not happen. Competition is a market and so it is hoped that Nintendo will continue to create its own sometimes healthy and strong competition will come, and if not, they will maintain their own standard, which, with a few exceptions, is really high [19659017] Source: wikipedia.com Sales

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