Podmanický: Slovaks consistently throw dirt on their story


Podmanic considers sovereignty as a significant historical moment that led to the creation of an independent state. "You can listen these days that this act was actually useless, you can listen to the disapproval of the politicians, you can look at some smile at the homes of sovereignty that the Slovaks were burning at that moment. [19659004] But this will be just one more proof of the trend, the systematic denigration of national pride, because a nation without national pride is defeated, it can not defend itself and merge with the great nations who defend his national pride " said Podmanický with the fact that after the approval of the Declaration of Sovereignty, the Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel withdrew, The Slovaks decided to follow their own path.

"This could not be an insignificant act when the President of the Republic abdicated him, in a few weeks a new Slovak constitution was adopted on the basis of the declaration and in less than a year. 39, a separate and sovereign Slovak Republic " he added. Podmanický is the mayor of the Kysucké village of Stará Bystrica, where every year they breathe the home of sovereignty. This weekend was sixteen times

Robert Fic, Deputy Prime Minister, is sorry that the celebration of Starobystrická does not have a national character. However, she welcomes these events. "We can not look at Slovakia through black sunglasses," said . According to the deputy of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for the SNS Štefan Zelník, the declaration of sovereignty culminated in the millennial efforts of the Slovaks for independence. The declaration of sovereignty, however, does not mean that the match for Slovakia is over. The unmarried member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Igor Janckulík, does not remember that the memory of the declaration of sovereignty is not organized in the capital of the Slovak Republic. As has been said, such anniversaries must be remembered in particular to young people

On 17 July 1992 the Slovak National Council approved the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Slovak Republic. The deputies voted in favor of HZDS, SNS and SDL (113 for, 10 abstentions and 24 deputies, mostly from KDH and Hungarian parties, voted against). The statement was part of a process that resulted in the collapse of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and the establishment of an independent Slovak Republic on 1 January 1993. The document was signed by the President of the Slovak National Council, Ivan Gašparovič and Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar. Czechoslovak President Václav Havel responded to the adoption of the declaration by abdication. The function of the president is transferred to the federal government

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