Police ask the Vah Crocodile. She did not find any


Slovak police checked if a crocodile is in the Vah. When they did not find the animal, they informed the public.

Did he hide a "crocodile" in front of the cops when they went out to find him in Vahah near Hlohovec? Lawmen treat the case of an "unidentifiable animal resembling a crocodile". At least, the video of the video that was sent to them by the lady asking for help commented on the social network.

Depending on what the woman told them, the video was filmed this week. "The police went to check the area with a negative result," says the official website of the police. "It's hard to say what's on the video, be careful," he says to the audience

See how "the unidentified animal resembling a crocodile "floats:

The network will go to jail from the report, pointing out that the event was officially reported to the police as" the crocodile in Vah ". "So, do not take this information as a speculation of the police, but as an event that has been officially accepted," he urges the Slovaks

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