Police: Drivers in Bratislava must consider the coming days with traffic restrictions


In Bratislava, there will be several road repairs over the weekend.

With more traffic restrictions, drivers in Bratislava must count in the coming days.

On Saturday, 14 July, the reconstruction of the Opletalova street pavement, at the intersection of Jana Jonáš Street, will take place in Devínska Nová Ves, Bratislava, on the underpass. The repair will take place before July 29, depending on the completion of the work.

"Traffic in these sections will be in open roads, and traffic restrictions will be signaled by portable signs," Lucas Mihalíková, spokesman for the regional police headquarters in Bratislava, said in a letter dated 19659005. Waste water

Another road constraint in Bratislava is planned for the construction of the R7 expressway on the reconstruction of the roundabout D1 – Bajkalská (Rondel) .The reconstruction of the intersection will be preceded by preparatory work. , ie repair of the communication surface on the current roundabout on the ramps towards the center – Slovnaftská

"During the repair, there will also be a road closure from Trnava to Slovnaftská Exit at D1 towards Trnava. For this reason, the direction signs will be placed in advance, from 14 to 15 July, "said Mihalíková

As part of the reconstruction of the mentioned roundabout, the transhipment of the sewer on Bajkalská Street will be carried out. During this, there will be a partial closure of Bajkalská Street towards the city center and a complete closure towards Slovnaftská Street, from Monday 16 July to the beginning of August, depending on the completion of the works. .

drivers to increase their attention by crossing these sections, to follow signs or to use other routes if possible, "said Mihalíková

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