Police have begun to take action on potential exports of contaminated soil to D4 and R7


In the case of the alleged export of dangerous contaminated soils from the former Mlynské nábřeží bus station in Bratislava, the police initiated criminal proceedings for illegal handling of waste for the construction of the building. Highway D4 and the R7 Expressway.

TASR confirmed by the spokesman of the Regional Police Office in Bratislava Veronika Slamková

"According to previous information, the place of the act must be located in the cadastral area of ​​Bratislava – Podunajské Biskupice and Ivanka pri Dunaji: "If this is confirmed, the responsibility must be assumed," he said for TASR, and he also wants to open the issue at meetings in D4 and R7

However, in the past, he stated that the material used for construction had valid quality certificates and that it met rigorous criteria for assessing the suitability of its use for construction.

Contamination of former chemical plants

was reported in April for the eventual export of contaminated soil from the environmental burden confirmed in the Bratislava Nivy to the construction of the Bratislava Bypass.

The Inspection s ova of life (1966) Promoter HB Reavis, who is building a new terminal at the bus terminal station, has built a new terminal, He says that he realizes that he is building a zone of historically exposed pollution

. "We go far beyond the legislation in this area, we cooperate exclusively with certified suppliers and we can guarantee that we proceed in accordance with the legislation in force and we will work with the responsible industrial load," said Martina Jamrichová, HB Reavis spokesperson for the TASR

16.5 million euros HB Reavis claims to have provided the police with the maximum cooperation and all the information necessary for the present investigation

Pollution Concerns Jarovsky's arm

The ABE, which deals with hazardous waste for the proponent, states that the complete remediation of the environmental load is taking place and under the supervision of an independent expert in geological monitoring

"We have provided all necessary information about the case to the police. In the context of soil remediation, soil samples have been and are being collected and analyzed continuously to determine if the soil is permanently extracted from the soil. According to the results of the analyzes, the soils are treated in accordance with the legislation in force ", said Monika Fickuliaková, commercial director of the ABE, TASR

According to HB Reavis, the excavated soil polluted is routed to A non-polluted soil classified as a usable material is used to build highways

The police also started criminal proceedings in June for the offense of unauthorized waste management in case of possible contamination of the road. Jarovsky's shoulder during the construction of D4 and R7. (F, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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