Police investigate brutal assault in Zilina – Home – News


Another brutal battle on the street, this time in Zilina. The attack was to be up to three people

Daniel, only 21 years old, ended up in a bleeding hospital
the condition is critical. Police arrested the suspects, the reasons for the incident

Daniel de Zilina celebrated the menus on Friday evening
also birthdays. After the celebration, he returned home, where he lost consciousness and
the rescue took him away. Subsequently, his father learned that his son had become a target
the attackers.

The case was reported by Radiožurnál to the RTVS public service, which
suggested the racial motive of the attack.

Bleeding in the brain

The investigator of the district police headquarters in Zilina began
criminal prosecution of a health and harm crime
burglary in complicity. "We can confirm that we have detained
three people and we are currently performing all necessary actions and measures
to clarify the act. The reason for the procedure is in progress
surveys. For this reason, it is not possible to provide more for the case
information, "Radko spokeswoman told Zilina Regional Police

The victims ended up at the University of Žilina. The worst thing is
Daniel. "The patient was admitted with bleeding in the brain and had to be immediately
hospitalized. Currently, it is located in the Department of Anesthesiology and
intensive medicine and is still in critical condition, "said the spokeswoman
Lenka Záteková, Faculty Hospital with Poliklinika Žilina. She added that
the second victim is with an open fracture member of an accidental surgery

aggressive Radicals

About two months ago, a similar attack took place on the street of business
in Bratislava. His life was paid for by a young Filipino Henry Acordo, who
finished in the hospital and after a few days he suffered injuries. aggressor,
Juraj H., 28, from Dunajska Streda, accused the police of murder.
He is currently in custody, threatening to be 7 to 12 years in prison. community
then shocked the brutality of the author, who captured the camera. After an acute strike
Henry ended up on his lap, then kicked him in the head after which
he did not get up. Juraj had made a few more shots and explained

The psychologist Karol Kleinmann perceives an increase in aggression. According to him
some individuals and groups are radicalizing more and more and this is especially true for
young people. "To the younger generation, we are currently looking at more space on
aggressive entertainment of this type. Statistics confirm that young people are like
drivers are more aggressive and arrogant. Once you could have your emotions and
physical force to discharge itself on compulsory military service, but today we observe some
without flinching, "said Kleinmann. According to him, the strength and energy of young people
humans apply pathological individuals in battles and battles. " Young
Generations are looking for modus vivendi, and unfortunately, they find it in such a way
violent acts. Find weaker and faster feelings
victories are also caused by deep inferiority complexes. At the moment

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