Police report data that will shake your head: see who is the safest driver


In total, 6432 road accidents occurred on Slovak roads during the first six months of the year. It is a fall of 62 accidents compared to the first half of 2017. 98 people died in these accidents, 11 less than last year, 536 people were seriously injured, either 34 more.

The best bus drivers

The police also found that the number of road accidents in passenger cars and trucks has decreased, and the number of accidents caused by bicycle accidents and motorcyclists. Best of all, bus drivers who have not made a single accident.

  Police released data, from

Source: Police

Causes of Accident

In terms of the causes of accidents, the most common failure to drive is the cause. This factor of more than 2,000 accidents has skipped the long-term leadership that has been disproportionate in driving speed. "The fourth place is the wrong rotation and the bad slip, because the fourth place has occupied a bad pass through the intersection.

"As the police increase roadside surveillance, organize road safety actions, they always find the game on the road. They are unaware that they are risking not only their lives but also those of others. " Denisa Balogh of the Presidium of the Police Corps said the police did not reduce controls by focusing on the most common causes of road accidents.

  Police have published data from

Source: Police

  Police published data, from

Source: Police

Police also warn that maximum safety requires safe driving. " Yet, the number of accidents, especially in the summer, is increasing with an increasing number of vehicles on the road, and often, and especially during this period, drowsiness and fatigue are signified, and few drivers know that we do not we would not be tired. " Balogh recalled

Drowsiness and fatigue were the cause of 72-year-old traffic accidents in the six months of this year. " Therefore, if you plan a longer trip, are advised to rest for a long time before leaving, to take more frequent breaks by car, to stop as early as possible, to get up, to drink water, to move (196599017) [19659017] It is advisable to know at least the basic information and obligations that apply in the country in order to avoid inconvenience and high fines, "says Balogh.

  Police published data from

Source: SITA / Marko Erd

Police Security Police

Police also prepared increased security measures this summer during the summer tourist season. summer. Not only to reduce road accidents and deaths, but also to protect the life, health and property of citizens. The police focus on road safety and road safety, especially on sections frequented frequently. In the summer months it focuses mainly on cultural and social event venues, festivals, swimming pools, resorts, pedestrian crosswalks, transit stops, train stations, playgrounds and parks

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Source: TASR – Radoslav Stoklasa

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