Police: The two British in Amesbury poisoned their novices


Two people found in critical condition

4. July 2018 at 23:06 (updated 4 July 2018 at 23:39) TASR

LONDON. The British anti-terrorist police reported Wednesday night that two people found Saturday in critical condition in Amesbury were exposed to a neo-paralytic substance like the novices. This is the same substance that has poisoned in nearby Salisbury the former Russian agent Sergey Skripala and his daughter Julij, reported Sky News.

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See also: with an unknown substance near Salisbury are in critical condition two people

The two people found unconscious Saturday at their home in Amesbury, Wiltshire County, South West England. They were taken to a district hospital in Salisbury, 12 miles away

It was not immediately clear what tissue was a poisoned tissue. It was thought that she could use medication from the contaminated dose. Samples of the substance were sent for examination in a specialized laboratory

The police did not mention the couple, she only said that they were British citizens coming from the site – a woman of 44 years old and a 45 year old man. According to media reports, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess

Several places pre-emptively closed

British anti-terrorist police chief Neil Bass said on Wednesday: "We received the results of the Porton Down tests tonight which show that both were exposed to the nerve-paralytic substance of the novices. "

See also: They did not wait for the poisoned scribes to save the doctors

The chief investigators will discover now how are the British in contact with the substance.

A hundred police officers cooperating with local police forces were involved in the investigation

A number of potential witnesses of a public incident were also invited to help

Several places in Amesbury and Salisbury were closed, which were probably poisoned by both poisonings. However, there are no places that have been decontaminated in relation to Scorpio poisoning

Preveria, whether unrelated to the crowds

In a line of investigation, we also check if the case is unrelated to the scribes. Neil Basu said that such a "possibility" exists. However, it is not yet clear whether the two novices of the same production batch were used in both cases

According to Basu, there is no indication that the British intentionally attacked or attacked at all [19659021]. Interior Minister Sajid Javid convened an extraordinary meeting of the Cobra government security team on Thursday

Britain blames Russia for the poisoning of scribes, but Moscow on denies. The whole of the case caused a serious diplomatic rupture between Russia and the West