Pope appointed Slovak pastor as eparchial bishop of Toronto


BRATISLAVA, July 5 (WebNoviny.sk) – Pope Frantisek has appointed Marián Andreja Pacák, currently spiritual administrator of the Holy Trinity chapel of the Redemptorist Sisters in Vranov nad Topľou – Lomnice, eparchial bishop of the diocese of Saint Cyril and Method for Byzantine Slovaks Toronto, Canada.

The priest was ordained on July 12, 1998

Marián Andrej Pacák was born on April 24, 1973 in Levoča. He has eleven brothers and sisters, including two brother priests. He is a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer – Redemptorist. He made his eternal promises on August 16, 1997. He graduated in Philosophy and Theology in Cracow, Tuchov and Rome

He was ordained a priest at the Redemptorist Monastery of Michalovce on July 12, 1998. At the Lateran University , Saint Alfonso Academy in Rome, he graduated from Graduate Studies in Moral Theology

Up to now, he has been spiritual ecclesiastic in the parish of Stará Ľubovňa, spiritual religious order to the Cleopatra of the Redemptorists of Rome at the parish of St. Joachima, editor-in-chief of the Missionary and Missionary editions in Michalovce, and vice-chancellor of Exarchia, the hermum of the Redemptorist monastery of Stare Ľubovni, administrator of the local Greek parish and of the spiritual spiritual order in the history of the Redemption

Eparchia Parma covers 14 American states

Since 2016, he studied at length canon law and the law of the Eastern churches at the Catholic University of Lublin, John Paul II. in Ljublina and spiritual administrator of the chapel of the Holy Trinity of the Revolution of the Most Holy Redeemer in Vranov nad Topľou – Lomnice

As of 2017, the 45-year-old Slovakian eparchy, Milan Lach, in l 39; state of Ohio in the holy liturgy of the Archdiocese. Eparchy Lach administers with the powers of the bishop of settlement, even though he is not the eparchial bishop. The diocese of Parma covers 14 states of the United States, including the cities of Chicago and Detroit

The faithful eparchies are the descendants of the Ruthenians who have been to the United States for more than 100 years. They came mainly from Eastern Slovakia and Podkarpatska. There are also Ukrainians and Melchites. The eparchy administered by Lach consists of 30 parishes with 34 priests and 9000 believers

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