Porsche has modified its model Macan according to the model Cayenne | car


Porsche is currently selling two SUV models. Larger Cayenne has recently arrived with the next generation. The smaller Macan has adapted it to the new facelift. The fact that it is a successful project of the brand is due to the fact that it sold them 350,000 pieces, or about 100,000 pieces per year.

The Facelift model is not only unobtrusive as Audi has shown with TT. It is essential to see the new bumper shape at the front as well as new LED lights. Changing the shape of the bumper is particularly visible around fog lights.

However, Sakok had an even bigger turnaround. The split rear lights combine the red belt as well as the larger Cayenne and even the Panamera. So much more like Porsche. The colors will come with shades like Miami Miami, Gray Dolomite, or metallic green.

The interior does not leave behind when changing. In particular, the center of the dashboard is completely different from what has been done so far. It has a larger 11-inch touchscreen that has forced the air-conditioning exhaust from the sides under the screen.

Porsche Macan – Porsche taillights rear Source: Porsche

The Macan steering wheel has inherited the latest 911 version. But this is not the norm you have to pay for it. Combined with Sport Chrono, it will also have the Sport Response button. Windshield heating and air joning will also be available.

The chassis of the model will be a little more comfortable, and thanks to the new tires, it will be a greater experience in the management of this crossover.

About Porsche does not speak. The first market on which Macan will be modernized will be China.

Source: Porsche

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