Prague, Bratislava and the Tatras. Watch No Name for the song Ži … and let her live


10 hours ago

No Name fans met an updated video clip for the original Slovak-Czech single. The song Ži … and let live was written by group leader Igor Timko and keyboard Zolim Sallai on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic. But there is no spectacular party, but an intimate and sensitive vision of the history and fraternity of the two nations.

The soundtrack of chamber music has been the subject of an interesting contrast in the form of a visual that is both personal and spectacular. The singer can be seen in the intimate details, but also in the impressive aerial images on the mountain ridge or on the roofs of Prague and Bratislava buildings. Nevertheless, a clip under which a famous Slovakian director is signed Juraj Lehotský and a cameraman Timo Krizka, Not put on breathtaking panoramas. The crooked is very correct and tasteful, many known places are visible only in the background. Instead of removing all the attention, the visual completes the atmosphere of the song and gives the viewer space to reflect on the text.

"Being a song Let's … and let them live inspired by history, the coexistence of Slovaks and Czechs, the events on the squares and the occupation, the places and their shooting were chosen on the road. We wanted to capture the feeling of freedom, the fragility of the human being in the face of a world without compromise. We visited the Tatras, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, many beautiful places were not inserted in the clip, "recalls the song of the singer, author of the text and co-author of the music. Igor Timko.

Work with highly qualified specialists

The singer's shots on the roof of the buildings were created in collaboration with professionals. "Sitting on the edge of a building 60 meters high, this is a situation that will give you a thorough examination, but it seems crazy in the cliff, but it's true that I was perfectly confident for a professional of high level, but I have to admit that my stay in the Romanesque streets of Prague and Bratislava, I will remember all my life, "he said.

Long-time collaborators Nameless Juraj Lehotský and cameraman Timo Krizka took care not only of the video, but also of the story and the script. "Juraj and Timo are the best artists Jurajov the other film Nina is appreciated around the world and I am happy that they give our music "eyes" for a few years. While working with Juraj and Tim, it is true that anyone who is hungry can betray the ideas, but the ideas, the ideas and the confrontation were mainly between these two authors ", added Igor Timko.

Read also: No Name recorded a unique song on the occasion of the centenary of Czechoslovakia. They mix both languages

Timo Krizka, Igor Timko and Juraj LehotskyTimo Krizka, Igor Timko and Juraj Lehotsky – more shooting photos

The group has already joined the group at the Centennial Celebration of the Old Town Square, at the Košice School Concert at the Conservatory and at other events. You will certainly not miss the prepared setlist acoustic tourto be held in the spring of next year. The group will play five concerts in Slovakia and 18 in the Czech Republic.

Igor Timko (singer), Dusan Timko (guitar), Ivan Timko (drums), Roman Timko (guitar), Vilo Gutray (bass) and Zoli Sallai (keyboards) will of course play older hits. Anything. Life, you and your sister and much more. Tickets for Slovak concerts are sold exclusively on the net

Dermacol No Name acoustic tour 2019


21. 2. – Trenčín, Piano Club
22. 2. – Poprad, House of Culture
8. 3. – Košice, social pavilion
14. 3. – Žilina, Holiday Inn
29. 3. – Bratislava, Istropolis

tickets: "width =" 100 "height =" 18

Czech republic:

5. 2. – Zlin, Convention Center
6. 2.Jihlava, DKO
12. 2. – České Budějovice, DK Metropol
13. 2. – Pardubice, House of Culture Dukla
14. 2. – Náchod, Municipal Theater Dr. Josef Čížek
18. 2. – Opava, Silesian theater
20. 2. – Znojmo, Dukla Conference and Social Center
February 26 – Cheb, KC Svoboda
27. 2. – Carlsbad, Grandhotel Ambassador National House
28. 2. – Chomutov, Municipal Theater
2. 3. – Pilsen, Měšťanská beseda
15. 3. – Český Těšín, Těšínské divadlo
20. 3. – Sand, Theater Fráni Šrámek
21. 3. – Liberec, House of Culture
26. 3. – Olomouc, NH Collection Olomouc Congress
27. 3. – Ostrava, Dolní Vítkovice – Multifunctional Aula Gong
4. 4. – Brno, Mahen Theater
11. 4. – Prague, Karlín Forum

Learn more on the group's official website

Text: Patrik Marflák (first two paragraphs) + Nora Krchňáková (TS – edit)
Photo: group archives

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