President Kiska vetoed the amendment to the law on courts and higher education institutions he signed these laws


The approved law should expand the range of exemptions from making judgments available. This is, for example, the consent of the court to provide data subject to telecommunications secrecy, consent to the tap and so on.

"The suppression of such public control must always be justified by objective and demonstrable facts," President Kiska emphasized. He stressed that neither the Government of the Slovak Republic nor the National Council had any explanation for the existence of extraordinary circumstances or security threats that would have led to the approval of the law. In addition, the amendment was not the subject of any comment. According to the President, more than six years of experience in the application of free access to information in the case of the relevant judgments indicate no threat to security.

The method of drafting and approving a law according to the head of state leads to the conclusion that "its purpose is to limit the public control of the". serious decision-making activity of the courts of the Slovak Republic ".

Kiska vetoed some laws on universities

President Andrej Kiska referred to the National Council of the Slovak Republic two laws on higher education – The Law on Quality Assurance of higher education and the amendment of the law on higher education. "They do not give guarantees to improve the quality of higher education and create reasonable concerns that the situation, on the contrary, will not get worse," explained the president . Kiska refers the law on the quality of higher education as a whole and an amendment to the law on higher education in the parts relating to the law on the quality of higher education and to the Slovak Academy of Sciences

For both laws, President Kiska points out a large number of legal and factual deficiencies, which cause fears that they will not work well in practice. Misunderstanding, conflicting internal provisions or terminological inaccuracy go beyond the usual degree of such loopholes in legislation. The President also opposes the unpredictability of the consequences of the approved laws. For example, it is not clear how the quality of the artistic and research activity will work. Until now, the working groups of the Accreditation Commission have been appointed to replace a commission of the Ministry. The laws do not specify the rules for the selection of quality assessors, their organization or their number. According to the President, the law lacks real and clear guarantees to improve the quality or objectivity of its assessment in the evaluation of higher education institutions . shows the experience of the judiciary in the Slovak Republic, if there are no rules, sufficient criteria and strong motivations to support the desired behavior, the reinforcement of the autonomous elements does not exist. is neither a guarantee nor a superior quality nor an increase of the internal pressure on quality ". The Quality Act strengthens the element of self-government by replacing an Accreditation Committee appointed by the Accreditation Agency, whose leadership should be composed of representatives of the government. 39, universities, students and employers. The president considers that the way in which the management choices of the accreditation agency or the compliance requirement of seven members of the Executive Board create a risk of preference to "increase the pressure on the quality of research and education in universities ". At the same time, President Kiska suggested to MEPs to remove the parties amending the SAS Act and the Public Procurement Act, which they added during the parliamentary session. In the past, the head of state has repeatedly criticized the practice of "legislative stickers". In the case of SAS, the president complains that the transformation of the Academy is threatened because the adopted law will cause chaos and legal uncertainty for confusion and asymmetry. "The formalistic approach of the legislative process is an incomprehensible, confusing legal norm that does not respond to the real need of its recipients or to the causes of the problems solved.

The Fisheries Act signed

Fishing in Slovakia will be governed by new legislation after more than 15 years. The President of the Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska signed the Fisheries Act, from which envirorezort, in addition to updating the obsolete legal framework promises better protection of water. The new legislation therefore prohibits the use of chemically treated baits in watercourses near sources of drinking water, or it allows the district to be taken by administrators who repeatedly break the law. He worked with fishermen to prepare envirorezort

The Ministry of the Environment promises, at the same time, better protection of the health of the fishermen themselves. This allows for more effective cooperation with the Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic. If veterinarians discover that the limit values ​​for chemicals in fish are exceeded, a ban on the consumption of fish caught in an area should be issued. Fishermen will learn this through fishing rules and information boards.

The law also prohibits fishing practices considered unethical in some species of fish, such as trout, barley and toothpick. The new law also regulates the rules for the organization of fishing competitions. Currently, according to the ministry, it was not possible to ensure adequate conditions, to define the space and to ensure the smooth running of such events.

Signature of the Law on Vocational Education and Training

The entry of employers and especially small and medium enterprises, including traders, into the dual education system , will be more effective. I am counting the amendment to the law on vocational education and training of the Ministry of Education. The President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, signed the bill Wednesday (4.7.). "By removing this obstacle, we promise to increase the active approach of secondary vocational schools by concluding cooperation with employers in new partnerships, as well as streamline operation and equipment secondary vocational schools. The reason for the amendment of the law is the reduction of the administrative burden to verify the employability of employers in order to provide practical training in the field of studies or in the field of l & # 39; 39 study of the dual education system and opportunities for traders and small and medium enterprises to ensure a greater share of practical lessons outside of their workplace.The new position is also the position of the instructor principal to perform tasks related to the coordination of practical education.

The most appropriate autonomous schools to determine in their territorial jurisdiction for secondary schools the number of classes of the first year in the daily form of study divided into individual study subjects or teaching Unions for the procedure of Admission for the next school year. "The implementation of high school performance plans will not be subject to a binding general rule adopted by the board of directors but will be established by the president of the autonomous region preceded by the comprehensive planning process within professional units of the autonomous region, education, " presents the sector of education
Criteria for determining the number of students and secondary schools within the territorial jurisdiction of the Autonomous Region will be developed in accordance with a generally binding regulation issued by the Ministry of Education. Curricula, programs and practical best practices will be eliminated, which will be newly identified in the national curriculum. A business school institute is created to support the founding employers of a vocational high school and prepare their future workforce or prepare them for other employers within from this school

Approves the changing number of students in eight-year high schools. 19659008] The President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, also agrees to change the rules to determine the number of eight-year-old grammar school students, who on Wednesday signed an amendment to the law on education and Training, Treatment addresses the issue of determining the number of grammar students with eight years of study based on objectively measurable criteria. The new number of primary school pupils of these high schools shall not exceed five per cent of the total number of pupils of the year concerned in the whole of the Slovak Republic

The Ministry of Education can, according to their information systems, determine the number of students in the first year in the region.

Signature of an Amendment to the Copyright Act for Persons with Reading Disabilities

Books, including those in audio format, but also Newspapers and magazines, will be available starting October 11 for those who are suffering from a problem reading or reading because of a visual or other problem. This will allow them to amend the copyright law signed by President Andrej Kiska. Legislative amendment approved by MEPs on 14 June is the transposition of a Directive of the European Parliament (EP) and the Council of the European Union (EU) under the Marrakesh Treaty on the Permissible Uses of Protected Works for the blind, visually impaired or other reading failure. The amendment aims to exempt individuals, as well as non-profit institutions (library, archives, school), in the form of an exception to the law, to make copies exclusively for the personal needs of people or people reading in their accessible form.

"At the same time, the project regulates the circulation and exchange of reproductions of works and other objects of protection in accessible formats on the internal market of the European Union. and international ".

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