Pressburger Klezmer Band published a video clip in Vigndik and genre fremd, related to the protests


BRATISLAVA, July 23 ( – Pressburger Klezmer Band has released a video clip for the song Vigndik and Fremd Kind in his eighth studio album, Baladen (2018)

Musicians and filmmaker Braň Špačka, who is known in the artistic environment under the nickname Špako. " There was no break in the head, how to make a clip, and so on.I had the privilege of choosing a song for the album.An event that has deeply touched us – murder and subsequent awakening of people, demonstrations, protests … From the first demonstration, I took my camera and filmed.Because it is my robot. I had no idea what I could do with it.I just came to the mind that it was important to capture these things.And when I listened to the Klezmer ballads, I combined these two things "the filmmaker, filmmaker and screenwriter said in one person

A group that recently celebrated two decades of existence, at the dark events of the past. Slovak history expressed with regular periodicity. Fans and fans of Pressburger Klezmer Band, therefore, the social engagement of singer Vigndik and Fremd is not surprising

" We realized that all over the world there are similar tragedies that connect people and express the disapproval of man's violence on another person.Love for our loved ones and the fear of their future was the theme that caught the attention of people who came to express their compassion and their dissatisfaction, and this is also one of the themes of our new clip.Finally, we decided to dedicate this song to the people who participated in the protest actions in many Slovak and foreign cities, but also to those who could not describe the unique singer Marta Potančok

" We wanted the clip to express such a general attitude towards what is going on around us, without personification, without emotions ex aggression, without attacks, etc. In short, our artistic vision of the thing, "was added by the violinist Andrej Werner

No names of politicians

There are no names of politicians in the l & # 39; image that appear in the image. " I have not shown interest to politicians because I do not want to spread them, and I believe that the dog will not even take them during a moment. But the awakening of people is captured forever, I'm looking forward to it and I want everyone to add to their own meaning "adds Spako.

Pressburger Klezmer Fans Band will be able to hear the song live

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