Prince George celebrates his fifth birthday


The Royal Family presents an official portrait of Prince George at his fifth birthday.

The boy, full of confidence, smiled drunk and hung on the wall of Clarence House, his father's house, Father Charles. He is truly enchanting and has what he had on the baptism of his brother, Prince Louis, because the picture was shortly after

  The Adorable Prince Open the Gallery

The Informal pose was captured by Matt Porteus, who had previously photographed the official photographs of Prince George and his parents, Kate and William. According to the Daily Mail, the prince really has a reason to smile because he and his family are celebrating on the Caribbean island of Mustique. George seems to have a lot of interests, almost like all five year old boys. He has a lot of energy and also a sense of humor.

We can all see him growing up very fast. Parents protect him a lot and do not want to show it to the public like other children. They want to enjoy privacy and peaceful childhood Occasional photographs show us enough of their lives.

Prince George loves dinosaurs, his favorite is T-rex, and he is also very fascinated by volcanoes. He is a fan of fairy tales like Paddington, Lewy King and Lego. Thanks to the concierge, she speaks a little spanish and likes to go to museums. He may also ride horses, play tennis and ride a bicycle. As for food, she likes sweet cakes, pizzas and pasta

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