Private high school Bardejov rose to protest in Prešov


For the next year, they did not have a place for a student.

29. November 2018 at 16h55 TASR

PREOV, BARDEJOV. Teachers and pupils of Bardejov's private gymnasium, as well as their parents, protested in front of the Prešovský samosprávny kraj (PSK) office building against the number of new pupils during the 2019/2020 school year.

In the case of their school, there was no room for them.

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Director: it's discriminatory

Read also: Students refuse to cancel Bardejov High School, the region is talking about influencing

"We consider this to be discriminatory because they are trying to suppress a private school in Bardejov." A bathrobe and the PSK told Bardejov that there would be a public high school and a non-public high school. on November 12, we learned that we would have no students and on November 26, the PSK document indicated that the other schools at zero have classes and we do not have a class as a private high school ", said the director of Renáta. Tulejová.

At present, there are 96 students in four classes.

"We streamlined the fourth year so that we do not have to ask any more students," Tulej said.

They want to have a class with 25 students and claim to fill it.

They re-evaluated based on the requirements

According to the decision of the PSK president fixing the maximum number of students admitted during the 2019/2020 school year, the church was affiliated with the school – the organizational unit from the gymnasium of St. Ján Bosco to Bardejov, 28 pupils, gymnasium L. Stöckel 112 pupils, combined school Juraj Henisch – gymnasium of 25 pupils and gymnasium without pupil.

"It has been re-evaluated at the request of MPs, mayors, teachers and students.We continue in the strategy.We did not end the period of optimization of the school network, and we assume that an optimization will be held in Bardejov, "said PSK leader Ján Furman, head of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Physical Education and Sports.

The student limits for the region were determined by the ministry

According to his remarks, the Ministry of Education determined the number of first-graders of the decree on the number of students.

"There are 6,316 pupils in the Prešov region, divided on the basis of our districts, we have taken into account the statistics on intra-district migration, and there is also a large migration in the area. In the Bardejov district, students leave Bardejov district and move to other districts, number 545. So in each district it is well organized, "said Furman.

Compared to the previous year, the difference is that the education sector has determined the largest number of students they can re-educate.

"That is to say, if last year there were a lot of closing deviataks, but thanks to the advice, the number of students increased to 2600, but they were planned more than in our schools, we now have a real number of students and as many places as we have in our schools, "added Furman.

"We are limited by the number of students out of 6,316, and for the districts, there is also a limit of 30% of the gymnazists, so we recommended the school to request a ministerial exception, and on the basis of whether the school will be taken by the Ministry of Education, we will take additional measures, "he said after the meeting. with representatives of the school, students and parents, the president of PSK, Milan Majerský.

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