Proponents of the Earth have a new and even better theory. The world has deceived us so far because our planet rests on an icy gully


The conspirators have come up with an even better theory of our planet

It looked like nearly 50 years ago that, having reached the surface of the moon, humanity would develop more and more faster. Our intelligence, however, has obviously struck a hard stone, because in recent years has raised fans of the flat Earth theory.

The planet Earth is, in their opinion, really flat, and all the time, the world 's governments and the pilots of the plane have been deceived to keep the secret hidden. However, the internet has not yet spread the even weirder theory called "The Great Ice Ball Earth Theory".

While it is possible that this is not a true creation of the conspirators, but only sarcasm, many Twitter users share the picture with the words that Flat Earth will gradually replace the theory

– cop warrior (@wyatt_privilege) 3. June 2018

The theory of the big ice ball excludes not a flat Earth. Our planet is really flat, but sits at the top of a large frozen sphere in the universe . The sun's rays on the hill have caused the thawing of part of the frozen sphere and the creation of life here

The actual shape of our planet is therefore flat, but located at the top of a big frozen sphere, which of course gives a huge sense. The theory even considers that our Earth is not the only planet inhabited on a frozen goulash, but is covered with several mysterious worlds, that we have not yet discovered

the theory that you must take with the pinch of sarcasm and irony but if there is a group of people who really think they can live on a frozen ravine surrounded huge walls of ice, so anything is possible. 19659016]

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