Puigdemont returned to Belgium, continuing his efforts to support Catalan self-determination


BRUSSELS, July 28 (WebNoviny.sk) – Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont returned to Belgium on Saturday morning where he reached out to Catalan President Quim Torrom

. He came from Spain to Spain. The politician has already stated that after his return to Belgium, he will continue his efforts to obtain European support for Catalan self-determination

went to Spain, which issued a warrant for the arrest of allegations of revolt and abuse of public finances, in connection with the referendum banned October on the independence of Catalonia. German police arrested him in March after trying to travel from Finland to Belgium. The politician could not leave the country since he was awaiting a court decision on his extradition to Spain.

The Schleswig court in early July granted his release on charges of fraud, but not in case of misconduct. This means that he could bring him to justice in Spain only because he suspected that he had abused public funds. Spain responded to the verdict with the European arrest warrant against the politician, and the German court reacted a day later to the official end of his release, allowing him to leave Germany [[] 19659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function ()
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