Pussy Riot at Pohode drew attention to government interventions in the art


In the archive image of a member of the controversial Russian riot Pussy Riot Nadezda Tolokonnikova (left) and Marija Aľochinová (right) talk to Charlotte Church (in the middle ). Photo: TASR / AP

Trenčín, July 7 (TASR) – The multi-genre Pohoda festival also brought Trencin the Russian political group Pussy Riot. The members of the group took part in a political debate and the program of the Saturday, they played with the Riot Days of the Pussy Riot Theater. Michal Kaščák said during a discussion with members of the group that the government should not interfere with the art. The organizers of the festival invited the group to emphasize that the art of opposition should be free.

One of Pussy Riot's members, Maria Aľochinová, came to Pohoda and her performance in Russian opposition was summed up in a performance inspired by her book. The show depicts their most important protests of the Red Square and the Cathedral, the escape of the police, detention, the Moscow prison, the trial and life in a penal colony. The group criticized the church's cooperation with the government, the conditions of the Russian prisoners, as well as the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. In 2012, Maria was sentenced to two years in prison with Nadeja Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samucevic. Yuri Muravitsky, holder of the National Prize of the Russian Theater "The Golden Mask".

The opposition group Pussy Riot has long criticized the Kremlin for corruption, abuse of power and aggression against other countries. "We are not a music band, but a political artistic group, they are musicians among us, but this is not the main goal," said Alochin in front of the tent. She added that the threat of conviction and imprisonment should not be a reason not to act for political activists

Source: Teraz.sk, press agency of the TASR news agency [19659006] (7 July 2018)

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