Putin enters Shichany – a secret city where novices were produced


The city of Šichany will be open to the public from 1 January 2019. It will be cleaned in the production facilities. According to Russian media, buildings where scientists have developed poisons destroy and fragments of debris burn in a special oven.

Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to change the status of the city. On Tuesday, he signed a decree obliging the Government of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the Saratov region to take the necessary organizational measures. To balance the city budget, the government will provide 33.2 million rubles in 2019 and 30.5 million rubles a year.

The Shichans are 730 kilometers southeast of Moscow and have more than five thousand inhabitants. According to the Russian newsru.com portal, the cover name of the city was in the past Volsk-17 and Volsk-18. Russian scientists say that they produced the novo-paralytic substance of the novices.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin decided on the status of the closed city in 1997. He wanted to ensure the safety of one of the branches of the National Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, considered by the Die German Welt as the most important center for the development of chemical weapons in the USSR.

Restricted access to the city

The special regime included severe restrictions on entry into the city, but also a limited number of permanent residence permits for citizens. Flights over the city were also strictly controlled.

Sichany was the only similar city. The Soviet Union has established a network of closed places for the deployment of secret military facilities and research facilities that have been restricted

Russian scientists claim that they have developed a neoplastic substance for novices in this city. The British government is linked to the poisoning of Russian agent Sergey Skripa and his daughters Julia. Two other residents of the British city of Amesbury have been poisoned this month. The woman suffered from poisoning.

Poisoning in Britain

British investigators immediately linked this incident to Marc's events in Salisbury. Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said the death of the British was the result of poisoning by novices and accused the Russian authorities of the crime.

Russians categorically reject responsibility for incidents and deny novice production in Šichany

The city has undergone significant changes in the past month. "The buildings where the poisons have developed are destroyed, every burst of debris burns in a special oven with a temperature of 800-1200 degrees, and even if the fragments are not safe, they will be taken to a special depot", wrote the editors of the newspaper RIA Novosti, who reported on the city in May.

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