Putin opened the city of Sichany, where he produced novices


Buildings of the research institute dump, burnt debris and discharge

18. July 2018 at 21:19 CTK

MOSCOW. The closed city of Šichany, where the former Soviet and Russian army developed poisons, will be accessible to all visitors from 1 January 2019.

The relevant decree signed by President Vladimir Putin was issued by the Kremlin

     Putin seeks budget security

According to Russian scientists, a neo-paralytic substance of novices was produced in the city of Šichany, which, according to the British government, was used to poison the former secret agent Russian and British Sergej Skripa and his Daughters in English Salisbury

The President orders the Russian Government and the authorities of the Saratov region to take the necessary measures for six months and provide funds to ensure a balanced budget of the city that was formerly known as Volga-17 and Volga-18. 19659010] B Institute buildings burning, burning and plunging

A small town in the Volga Basin is about 730 kilometers southeast of Moscow and has about 5,500 inhabitants, noted Newsru.com

Police found a source of the novice in the house of poisoned Brita

Šichany is the seat of a branch of the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of the Russian State (GNIIOChT )

The city, hitherto inaccessible to foreigners and Russians, is divided into several sectors.

When Russia completed the destruction of its chemical weapons in accordance with the international treaty, it decided to destroy the objects of the research institute

"The buildings in which the poisons evolved will be destroyed. Debris is burned in a special oven at 800-1200 degrees, and even then the debris is not safe, they are transported to a special warehouse, "writes the Russian news agency RIA Novosti in a report. a closed city


See also: Briti assumes that novices can be contaminated more

The British press speculates that the objects would be liquidated due to the arrival of experts from the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) to prevent the Russians investigate the poisoning of Screep and find evidence

The fate of the research institute is uncertain. In the city of Šichany, rumors circulate that the institute will be completely abolished, but city officials say that they will be operational by 2025.

"Our factory, which is a branch from the GNIIOChT Institute of Moscow, still working, we do not know what will happen., said local councilor Julija Erchova on Wednesday

In Russia, there are still about four dozen inaccessible public places in the public, recalled AFP, recalling that in the Soviet era, the location of these places was also covered


Sichany celebrated novices, which , according to Britain, caused the poisoning of former Russian agent Sergey Skripa and his daughters in Salisbury in March.

In Amesbury, ten miles from Salisbury, poisoning another couple was reported on June 30.

In this case, the novice was s a bottle of perfume. He hit Charlie Rowley, 45, and Dawn Sturgess, a year younger, who died on July 8.

The case caused a deep diplomatic crisis between the Kremlin and Britain and other countries, accompanied by a denial of war, diplomats.