Radio Free Europe will resume broadcasting in Romania and Bulgaria


Bulgarian broadcasting ended in 2004 and Romanian in 2008.

19. July 2018 at 21:43 SITA

BUKUREŠŤ. The American Radio Free Europe (RFE) radio will resume broadcasting in Romania and Bulgaria to detect misinformation and fight against poor journalism.

The US radio station will return to the two EU-NATO countries of South-East Europe

RFE's director, Thomas Kent, said Thursday in a statement that he hoped that "This would help to develop freedom of the press, promote democratic values ​​and institutions and stimulate debate in both countries". Their position within NATO, the EU and other Western organizations. "

" Government officials, civil society representatives, and journalists from both countries expressed concern over misinformation, corruption, and social contradictions. 19659009] The media situation deteriorated [19659007] The Bulgarian RFE broadcast ended in 2004 and the Romanian one in 2008. According to the statement, the media situation has deteriorated since the beginning of the year. accession of the two countries to the EU in 2007.

Radio Free Europe has offices in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro and Serbia as well as Romanian broadcasting in the former Soviet Republic of Moldova [19659008] [ad_2]
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