Radovan Puliš taking an exam in Czech Zlín


yesterday at 18:45

Slovak ice hockey player Radovan Puliš took the test in the team of the Czech extraliker Aukro Berani Zlín. He informed the club's website.

The 26-year-old striker finished last season at HKM Zvolen, before not getting involved in any health problems in Dukla Jihlava.

In 2012/2013, he won the Slovak title and two years later with 30 goals. . Later, he joined the KHL for some duels for Slovan Bratislava, he plays for Winterthur in the second Swiss league and is part of the Slovak Republic

"I had excellent preparation for it. summer, 10 kg and I feel good on ice, " said Puliš for hokejportal.net before the exam in Zlín. (F, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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