Rashi wants to push for more flexibility in euro-funds, so regions could get more money


BRATISLAVA, July 4 (WebNoviny.sk) – Eurofunds after 2020 should be more flexible and reflect the needs of the regions. This was the main topic of the first meeting of experts from the V4 countries and Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania in Bratislava under the presidency of the Slovak Republic in the Visegrad Four

The cabinet of the Slovak Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and Computerization

A strong cohesion policy

"Slovakia, like the V4 countries, needs more freedom in the future budget financed by the EU. We want to impose more flexibility by bringing funds from the EU funds to the regions according to their real needs ", said Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Investment. 39, computerization Richard Raši. On the first day of the two-day expert negotiation organized by the CEU, a round table was organized in cooperation with the Economics University of Bratislava

on the theme "Strategic Direction of post-2020 European cohesion policy "The Presidency of the Slovak Republic in V4 will support maintaining the strong position of EU-level cohesion policy as the main investment policy for growth and development. of employment, after the ERSA Summer School of the European Association of Regional Sciences. 2020.

"Priority will be given to the examination and identification of common positions on the future mechanism for the implementation of cohesion policy after 2020 and the search for solutions Common to the process of negotiating the draft presented by the European Commission in May 2018, " results from the program of the RS Presidency in the Visegrad Group from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

Evaluation of fund of the European Union

An important element in achieving the vision of economic, social and territorial cohesion and the convergence of the EU regions is an evaluation according to the program. Its purpose is to assess the impacts and effects of the financial support of EU funds, with conclusions and recommendations contributing to the achievement of the main objectives of cohesion policy and to the elaboration of new strategies

V4 countries with links to new challenges in EU cohesion policy " are described in the program of the presidency of the RS in V4.

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