Rating agencies confirmed Slovakia's A + rating with stable outlook


The rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings on Friday confirmed the A + rating of Slovakia with a stable outlook.

The Ministry of Finance (MF) of the Slovak Republic stated that the credit rating is the result of rapid and long-term economic growth, stability of the banking sector and a policy sound budget. As the driving force of the Slovak economy, the agencies consider high household consumption, Euro-fund investments, increased net exports and, in particular, new foreign investment in the economy. automotive industry

. The agencies positively assess the stability of the banking sector and the measures taken to reduce household debt, as well as the stability of public finances, which benefit from higher tax revenues due to historically low unemployment.

Given that Slovakia is the largest car manufacturer in the world, the sectoral and geographical concentration, the external factors related to the opening of the Slovak economy and the potential overheating of the economy are considered potential risks of the agency. "Agencies are regularly visited once a year by Slovakia to thoroughly assess the solvency of the country.Based on the meetings and relevant information provided, the rating assigned by the MF SR directly influences the conduct of investors, debtors, issuers and governments

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