Reduce things and mountains as an attraction!


Novohradský folklórny festival

From the fourth to the Saturday evening Lučenec lives in XXIII. International Festival of Novohrad Folklore. Part of the program is a tour of excellent folklore ensembles from Slovakia and abroad, a costume accompanied by artists from the city, craft park, food tasting, folk dance and much more. # 39; others. The biggest trolley will be the performance of the artistic ensemble of Lúčnica, who has been the absolute leader in the interpretation of Slovak folklore for many decades, Friday at 22:00 in the amphitheater of the park of the city.

  The celebration of international folklore takes place in Lucenec

The festival is held in Lučenec.


Moon Moon at Čachtice Castle

Already on Friday night we will experience the fascinating eclipse of the moon. It takes 104 minutes and you can also enjoy this natural phenomenon at Čachtice Castle. It will be projected, looking through the telescope and photographing while the Moon enters completely into the shadow of the Earth. The Sun, the Earth and the Moon will then be aligned on a line. Light that is degraded in the earth 's atmosphere gives the moon a red to dark red color in the dark. In Cachtice, it's blood red. The main program of observation of the shadow of the moon on the castle, inextricably linked to the legend of Count Elizabeth Bátori, will last from midnight to midnight

The Children's Contest at the Haru Kitchen

The country of Hababuka's fairy tales in the Donovaly ski resort prepared for the smallest festive weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays, children can try on their own skin how traditional Slovak dishes are prepared and cooked. You have just come, have a taste and prepare a big mess. So do not hesitate to bring your parents and go to the Hababuka countryside in Donovaly on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm.

  Hababuky will compete with children in the kitchen of Harul

In Hababuky, children will compete in the kitchen of Harul.

Photo: Internet

Unforgettable Crafts

BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA – The historic center of Banská Štiavnica will come to life on Saturday. The main square of Banská Štiavnica will be transformed into a car-free area, but filled with stands with quality products, especially the production of Slovak craftsmen. There will also be snacks and free entrees. The event also focuses on folk art as part of its cultural program. The organizers try to work with various interesting themes. This year's craft theme is Krajani overseas.


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